Call for papers MLCN at MICCAI 2020

*Please find below the call for papers for the International Workshop of Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging (MLCN) on 4 October 2020 at MICCAI 2020 in Lima, Peru. We welcome contributions on novel machine learning methods and their applications to clinical neuroimaging data.* The submission deadline is *30 June 2020*, and all MLCN accepted papers will be eligible for the best paper award of 500 USD. For more information, please visit Best wishes, The MLCN 2020 committee Christos Davatzikos Andre Marquand Jonas Richiardi Emma Robinson Ahmed Abdulkadir Cher Bass Mohamad Habes Seyed Mostafa Kia Jane Maryam Rondina Chantal Tax Hongzhi Wang Thomas Wolfers International Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging 4 October 2020 in Lima, Peru The International Workshop of Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging (, a satellite event of MICCAI (, calls for original papers in the field of clinical neuroimaging data analysis with machine learning. The two tracks of the workshop include methodological innovations as well as clinical applications. This highly interdisciplinary topic provides an excellent platform to connect researchers of varying disciplines and to collectively advance the field in multiple directions. For the machine learning track, we seek contributions with substantial methodological novelty in analyzing high-dimensional, longitudinal, and heterogeneous neuroimaging data using stable, scalable, and interpretable machine learning models. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Spatio-temporal brain data analysis - Structural data analysis - Graph theory and complex network analysis - Longitudinal data analysis - Model stability and interpretability - Model scalability in large neuroimaging datasets - Multi-source data integration and multi-view learning - Multi-site data analysis, from preprocessing to modeling - Domain adaptation, data harmonization, and transfer learning in neuroimaging - Unsupervised methods for stratifying brain disorders - Deep learning in clinical neuroimaging - Model uncertainty in clinical predictions - ... In the clinical neuroimaging track, we seek contributions that explore how the application of advanced machine learning methods help us to move towards precision medicine for complex brain disorders. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Biomarker discovery - Refinement of nosology and diagnostics - Biological validation of clinical syndromes - Treatment outcome prediction - Course prediction - Analysis of wearable sensors - Neurogenetics and brain imaging genetics - Mechanistic modeling - Brain aging - ... Submission Process: The workshop seeks high quality, original, and unpublished work that addresses one or more challenges described above. Papers should be submitted electronically in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LCNS) style (see for detailed author guidelines) using the CMT system at The page limit is 8-pages (text, figures, and tables) plus up to 2-pages of references. We review the submissions in a double-blind process. Please make sure that your submission is anonymous. Accepted papers will be published in a joint proceeding with the MICCAI 2020 conference. Best Paper Award: This year, all MLCN accepted papers will be eligible for the best paper award. The recipient of the award will be chosen by the MLCN scientific committee based on the scientific quality and novelty of contributions. The winner will be announced at the end of the workshop and will receive 500 USD honorarium. Important Dates: - Paper submission deadline: June 30th, 2020 - Notification of Acceptance: July 24th, 2020 - Camera-ready Submission: July 31st, 2020 - Workshop Date: 4 October 2020
participants (1)
MLCN Workshop