[meetings] 2nd CFP IEEE WCCI/IJCNN Special Session: Cognition and Development

=============== CALL FOR PAPERS =============== IEEE WCCI / IJCNN 2018 Special Session: Cognition and Development 8-13 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Important dates: 15th January 2018 – Paper Submission 15th March 2018 – Paper Acceptance 1st May 2018 – Final Paper Submission 8-13 July 2018 – IEEE WCCI / IJCNN 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Scope and Topics The special session aims at the presentation of the latest results in the investigation of machine learning and cognitive robotics models that are taking inspiration from our understanding of sensorimotor, cognitive, and social development in humans and other animals. The aim is twofold: On the one hand, the special session provides a platform for presenting insights about the functions and processes underlying developmental learning. On the other hand, it encourages discussion of the role of developmental aspects in learning, in particular in the light of the ongoing success of deep learning methods. Relevant research questions include: – How can deep learning models be improved by including developmental processes, such as intrinsic motivation, sensorimotor exploration, or social learning and interaction? – Is current deep learning methodology suited for autonomous and open-ended learning in cognitive robots? Or will it be necessary to consider developmental processes, and if so, which ones? – What are the mechanisms that allow a child or robot to autonomously develop cognitive capabilities? – How does the social and physical environment, with which the child interacts, shape and scaffold the child’s developing cognitive skills and knowledge? And how can machine learning systems (including cognitive robots) exploit these beneficial factors? – What is the relative contribution of Nature and Nurture in the development of human and machine intelligence? – What do qualitative stages during development, and body and brain maturational changes, tell us about the mechanisms and principles supporting development? The special session also encourages submissions of relevant research on cognition and development from other disciplines, such as child psychology, developmental linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and interdisciplinary approaches to cognition and development. List of main topics: – developmental robotics – epigenetic robotics – developmental deep learning – neuro-robotics – bio-inspired and cognitive robotics – cognitive modelling – intrinsic motivation – sensorimotor development – cognitive development – social development – language acquisition Submission Guidelines: Please follow the general submission guidelines of the IEEE WCCI / IJCNN 2018 (see http://www.ecomp.poli.br/~wcci2018/). Please make sure to select the Special Session "Cognition and Development" as the "Main Research Topic" of your submission. Organizers: Nikolas J. Hemion, SoftBank Robotics Europe, Paris, France Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Bielefeld University, Germany Angelo Cangelosi, Plymouth University, UK Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Inria Bordeaux, France -- Nikolas Hemion, Ph.D. Senior Researcher, AI Lab Manager SoftBank Robotics Europe 43 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia 75015 PARIS http://nikolas.hemion.org/ -- *This email and any attachment thereto are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this email is strictly prohibited. In such case, please immediately advise the sender, and delete all copies and attachment from your system.This email shall not be construed and is not tantamount to an offer, an acceptance of offer, or an agreement by SoftBank Robotics Europe on any discussion or contractual document whatsoever. 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participants (1)
Nikolas HEMION