Special Issue on “Computational Models of M/EEG and Their Applications"

Dear colleagues, The call for papers for our special in Brain Topography on “Computational Models of M/EEG and Their Applications" - is out! The full call can be found here <https://www.springer.com/journal/10548/updates>. Please feel free to distribute this call to colleagues who you think might be interested, and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Important dates at a glance: - informal proposal to the guest editors* before *March 31st*, 2020 - manuscript submission from now until *June 15th*, 2020 **katharina.glomb@unil.ch <katharina.glomb@unil.ch>, benedetta.franceschiello@fa2.ch <benedetta.franceschiello@fa2.ch> and jlefebv3@uOttawa.ca <jlefebv3@uOttawa.ca> with “BTOP Special Issue Proposal” as the subject line* A list of topics include the following, though interested authors are encouraged to expand beyond them: *Computational models of M/EEG at the level of single cells and micro-circuits:* models of single-cell or ensemble activity of different types of neurons that are relevant to the analysis and modeling of M/EEG recordings. *Computational models of M/EEG at the level of neural masses and neural fields:* models of population dynamics and how they could determine specific features of the electrical activity recorded by M/EEG *Macroscopic computational models for M/EEG taking into account brain connectivity and/or gradients:* models investigating the contributions of brain connectivity and/or cortical gradients to global activity. *Applications of computational models of M/EEG:* how quantitative and qualitative measures extracted through computational models of M/EEG help to interpret behavioural or perceptual mechanisms, e.g.: brain stimulation, epilepsy, anesthesia, coma and disorders of consciousness, neuropsychiatric disorders, and brain-computer interfaces. Best regards, -- Benedetta Franceschiello, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology <https://www.unil.ch/line/en/home.html> UNIL and Department of Radiology RC7, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and Service of Ophthalmology Fondation Asile des Aveugles Tel: +41 787409774 Rue du Bugnon 46, CH-1011 Lausanne https://sites.google.com/view/benedettafranceschiello-phd/
participants (1)
Benedetta Franceschiello