Expression of interest for a tenure track position at the Assistant and Associate Professor level (RTD-A, RTD-B, PA) - University of Genova

The Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS) of the University of Genova, Italy, invites expression of interest for tenure track positions in Bioengineering (ING-INF/06, ING-IND/34) at the Assistant and Associate Professor level (RTD-A, RTD-B, PA). Rank will be determined based on qualifications and experience. Specifically, we seek interested, highly motivated, and competent researchers with an excellent background in bioengineering, who are able to teach at both the bachelor level and master level in English. Research topics of interest should spot in particular: - Neuroengineering: tools and technologies for studying-interacting with the brain Neuro-electronic interfaces; Neural signal analysis; Computational neuroscience; Electrophysiology. Contact person: Sergio Martinoia ( <> - Sensorimotor intelligence: devices, systems, and applications Bioengineering of active sensory acquisition and processing; Cognitive and social neuroscience; Translational vision science; Joint action; Action-perception transfer; Multisensory and cross-sensory issues. Contact person: Silvio P. Sabatini ( <> ) DIBRIS ( <>, a multidisciplinary department of the University of Genova, is looking for autonomous researchers interested to collaborate with other research groups and motivated to engage in all aspects of department activities. Interested researchers should apply by sending an e-mail to one of the appointed representatives listed above, for each research theme. Same, for questions or further information about this recruit process. Application must include: 1) Complete curriculum vitae 2) Statement of research, not exceeding 4 pages and focusing on the impact of the candidate's proposed research, the underlying questions, the approach(es) to be taken, and how it will synergize with other research activities within the Bioengineering group (see website or contact person for additional info) 3) Statement of teaching not exceeding 1 page 4) Names and complete contact information of at least three professional references. Complete applications should be received by February 29, 2020. _________________________________ Paolo Massobrio, PhD Associate Professor of Bioengineering Neuroengineering and Bio-Nano Technology Lab - NBT - Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering (DIBRIS) University of Genova Via Opera Pia 13, 16145, Genova, ITALY Phone: +39 010 3532761 URL: <> E-mail: <>
participants (1)
Paolo Massobrio