Reminder CfP BCBT2014 Summer School, Barcelona, Spain

Dear all, applications and scholarships to attend the BCBT2014 summer school are now open. Do not miss it! Kind regards BCBT2014 *Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology Summer School (BCBT2014)* University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. September 1-12, 2014 We would like you to join us for the annual *"Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology summer school - BCBT2014 *" to be held from September 1-12, 2014 in Barcelona Spain. The summer school is at its seventh edition and is part of a series of events organized by the European coordination action Convergent Science Network of Biomimetics and Neurotechnology ( BCBT is positioned at the interface between biology and future and emerging technologies with an emphasis on the principles underlying brains and their translation to avant-garde technologies. BCBT promotes a shared systems-level understanding of the functional architecture of the brain and its possible emulation in artificial systems. This is the 7th year of BCBT, which ran with great success in previous years thanks to an excellent line-up of outstanding speakers (see for previous editions of the school). BCBT lectures are available online (see as well as the CSN *Podcast interviews *with many of the BCBT speakers.. BCBT caters to the students and researchers involved in projects that are in the ambit of “Bio-ict convergence”, "Brain Inspired ICT", “Cognitive systems-robotics”. BCBT will offer up to 30 student slots for the practical workshops while as many researchers can register to attend the presentations and discussion sessions as are interested. For the lectures the limit will be placed at 60-70 given the capacity of the available lecture theatre. The atmosphere of the BCBT summer school is informal with the goal to stimulate in-depth discussion. There are presentations in the morning, usually 2, with the afternoons reserved for tutorials and projects for student participants and road-mapping workshops or further discussion for senior scientists. For the 2014 edition we plan a *1st week* of the school addressing *Evolutionary and Developmental aspects of nervous systems and behavior *(*Session 1*, 1-5 Sept*)*, while the *2nd week* will include presentations aimed at the investigation of *Core Brain Systems* with emphasis on the basal ganglia (*Session 2*, 8-9 Sept) followed by roadmapping sessions (*Session 3*, 10-11 Sept). Friday 12 is reserved for the presentation of the student projects to which everybody is invited. *Application deadline: August 2nd, 2014* For more information and to apply, please go to *BCBT offers a number of scholarships.* These are CSN scholarships <> and may cover travel expenses, accommodation and registration fee. BCBT2014 is supported by the Convergent Science Network of Biomimetics and Neurotechnology ( and is co-organized by Paul Verschure (BCBT Chair) SPECS, University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, ES Tony Prescott (BCBT Co-Chair) University of Sheffield, UK Leah Krubizer (BCBT Co-Chair) UC Davis, CA, USA Anna Mura (BCBT Co-Chair) SPECS, University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, ES
participants (1)
BCBT, Bústia Compartida