2 year Post-Doc in Brain Criticality at the University of Padova

2 year Post-Doc in Brain Criticality at the University of Padova The groups of Judit Gervain <https://sites.google.com/site/juditgervain/?pli=1> and Samir Suweis <http://www.liphlab.com/> are recruiting a talented young postdoctoral researcher to participate in a project that is at the intersection of mathematics, physics, and neuroscience in the general area of brain criticality. In particular, the project will investigate how efficient learning during critical or sensitive periods early in life may be modelled. It will combine the theory of criticality in statistical physics with developmental cognitive neuroscience to offer a new model of perceptual attunement to the native language during the first year of life. The ideal candidate will have a quantitative background (e.g. PhD in mathematics, physics, computer science) along with (preferable but not mandatory) experience in applying this background to neuroscience. The post doc will join the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, The Department of Physics and the Padova Neuroscience Center and live in highly active, stimulating interdisciplinary environment at the University of Padova, one of the most prestigious universities in Italy. The position is open immediately with primary location in Padova, a nice small university town near Venice. Ideally, the starting date is between January-April 2023, unless otherwise agreed. The position is funded for two years. Interested candidates should contact Prof. Samir Suweis (samir.suweis@unipd.it <mailto:samir.suweis@unipd.it>) and Prof Judit Gervain (judit.gervain@unipd.it <mailto:judit.gervain@unipd.it>).We strive for a diverse and inclusive environment, and encourage applications from members of any identity. Sorry for cross posting, please forward to who may be interested. Best Samir - - - - - - - - Associate Professor, LIPh Lab - www.liphlab.com <http://www.liphlab.com/>, Physics & Astronomy Dept. Padova Neuroscience Center University of Padova Tel: +39 049 827 71 74 @SamirSuweis https://suweis.github.io/ <https://suweis.github.io/> Why don't you join the next generation publishing experiment with "Peer Community In" - publish and read at no cost and inject more money into research! Check us out @ https://peercommunityin.org <https://peercommunityin.org/> https://youtu.be/4PZhpnc8wwo <https://youtu.be/4PZhpnc8wwo> @PeerCommunityIn
participantes (1)
Samir Suweis