[CFP] Call for Abstracts: Symposium on Advances in Neural Modelling of Multisensory Integration at the 20th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) in Ulm, Germany, June 22-25, 2020

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year to you all! I am planning to organise a symposium on "Advances in Neural Modelling of Multisensory Integration" at the 20th International Multisensory Research Forum (https://cops.ifp.uni-ulm.de/imrf2020/index.php) hosted by Ulm University in Germany, June 22-25, 2020. The goal of this symposium to bring together researchers working on neural models of multisensory integration (MSI) via mathematical/computational/machine learning/AI approaches to present their work and to discuss promising future directions and applications. In this regard, I would like to request potential contributors to contact me at danish@mmmi.sdu.dk<mailto:danish@mmmi.sdu.dk> with a title and abstract (max. 250 words), latest by 19 January 2020. The symposium will allow for the presentation of abstracts as a 15-minute oral presentation with additional time for Q&A. Potential topics for abstract submissions to the symposium include (but are not limited to): * Mathematical/computational/machine learning/connectionist/AI approaches to modelling MSI * Single-neuron and/or network models of neural mechanisms underlying multisensory binding, cue combination, multisensory effects and developmental MSI * Neural plasticity, learning and memory models for MSI * Applications of MSI models IMPORTANT DATES: Title and abstract submission deadline: 19 January 2020 (Anywhere on Earth time - https://time.is/Anywhere_on_Earth) Notification of acceptance: TBA IMRF 2020 conference dates: 22-25 June 2020 IMRF 2020 VENUE: "Donauhalle" next to the Danube river in beautiful Ulm, Germany SYMPOSIUM ORGANISERS: Danish Shaikh, University of Southern Denmark (danish@mmmi.sdu.dk<mailto:danish@mmmi.sdu.dk>) Best regards Danish Shaikh Assistant Professor SDU Bioinspired Robotics, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute T +45 65 50 95 26 <tel:+4565509526> danish@mmmi.sdu.dk <mailto:danish@mmmi.sdu.dk> University of Southern Denmark Campusvej 55 DK-5230 Odense M www.sdu.dk <http://www.sdu.dk> [http://cdn.sdu.dk/img/sdulogos/SDU_BLACK_signatur.png]
participants (1)
Danish Shaikh