postdoc position at Jagiellonian University in Kraków

A postdoctoral position is available at Jagiellonian University in Krakow for up to 36 months starting preferably on May 1st. The postdoc will work in one of two projects. The goal of the first is to develop point process models of neuronal spiking activity that could effectively describe adaptive processes including learning but also different types of modulation (e.g. brain-stem modulatory effects on visual information processing, etc.). The postdoc will develop abstract models, estimation methods, implement them in software, and use developed software and methods to analyze data from experimental partners after testing them on simulated data. The goal of the second project is building reinforcement learning models of behavior and development of estimation methods and tools. The focus is on rodent behavior in intelligent cages, such as IntelliCage or Eco-HAB, and taking into account individual and group learning aspects. The postdoc will develop abstract models, estimation methods, implement them in software, and use developed software and methods to analyze data from experimental partners after testing them on simulated data. The position is open within the group led by prof. Daniel Wójcik. The position is based in Cracow within the bioNN project but the researcher will also be a member of the distributed Warsaw-Cracow Neuroinflab, and will be expected to participate regularly in meetings in Warsaw every few weeks. More details: Daniel Wójcik -- Prof. Daniel K. Wojcik Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Head Graduate School, Head Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology 3 Pasteur St, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland tel: (+48 22) 5892348 fax: (+48 22) 8225342 skype: danek8317
participants (1)
Daniel Wójcik