Call for Proposals: Local Organizers for CNS*2020

We look forward to seeing all of you next summer at the 2019 Computational Neuroscience meeting in Barcelona! However, it is already time to begin planning for CNS*2020. OCNS requests proposals from candidate local organizers to hold CNS*2020 at a location outside of Europe, preferably in North or South America. Groups or individuals interested in organizing the 2020 meeting should submit a proposal following the extensive on-line instructions and using the on-line templates at: Proposals should be submitted by email to the OCNS President at no later than February 1, 2019.The OCNS Board Members will consider the proposals, contact local organizers for more information if necessary, and select a location in a timely agreement between OCNS and the potential local organizers. As usual, the selected location will be officially announced at the CNS Meeting in July. An earlier email to the OCNS President declaring the intent to submit a proposal would be appreciated, but is not required. Thank you! Your Organization for Computational Neuroscience Team
participants (1)
Sharon Crook