Postdoctoral openings in modeling, analysis of brain network dynamics

Postdoctoral positions are available in the Brain Dynamics and Control Group at Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO, USA), in two areas of interest: (i) Modeling macro-scale network dynamics in states of reduced arousal, including coma. The research goals include developing tractable dynamical systems models for network dynamics associated with severe brain injuries resulting in coma. The developed models will be analyzed in order to study mechanisms and their link to behavior. This position, which carries an affiliation with the Department of Neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine, will involve close collaboration with clinical researchers and will require analysis of multimodal neural data. (ii) Relating systems-theoretic properties to information processing in neural circuits. The goals include reconciling systems-level properties (reachability, controllability etc.) with overt information objectives in dynamical neuronal network models, and to explore the conservation of these network input-output relationships across scales. Candidates should have a background in some combination of dynamical systems theory, network science or systems science/control engineering. Prior experience in clinical research and basic neural data analysis is a substantial asset. Positions are for two years, with review after Year 1. Interested applicants should send a CV and brief description of interests and goals to ShiNung Ching (, ideally by January 5, 2016. The starting date is flexible, but the position is expected to begin no later that the Summer of 2016. Salary will be determined according to experience and the institutional scale at Washington University in St. Louis. For more information, please visit:
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ShiNung Ching