Post-doc position available - Rennes, France - Neuro-inspired models of recurrent epileptic seizures

Post-doc position offer (ref: INSERM-RECSEIZ) Neuro-inspired models of recurrent epileptic seizures for the investigation of mechanisms underlying repeated tDCS sessions Context. Epilepsy refers to a neurological disorder that affects about 1% of the general population. Recent findings indicate that non-invasive brain transcranial current stimulation (tCS) is safe and of therapeutic promise in epilepsy. However, it is not yet indicated as a standard treatment due to major scientific limitations: unknown mechanisms of action, insufficient account for patient-specific factors, poor understanding of short- and long-term effects. The ambition of the GALVANI Project (ERC-SyG 2019; 2020-26) is to transform the care of a large fraction of patients living with drug-resistant epilepsies by solving a fundamental problem: to efficiently target and control large-scale epileptic brain networks with tCS-induced neuromodulatory weak electric fields ( Rationale. The mechanisms underlying long-term effects of neuromodulation induced by weak electric fields remain poorly understood. To gain insights into these mechanisms, a new generation of experimentally-validated computational “hybrid” brain models is being developed in the project. These models combine neurophysiological models of neuronal networks with biophysical models of weak field effects. We recently developed a full human computational brain model able to generate realistic surface EEG and intracranial signal similar to those recorded in epileptic patients (see Wendling et al., CLINPH, 2024). Objective. The objective of the proposed research position is to design novel neuro-inspired models able to explain why and how the repetition of tDCS sessions (over days and weeks) impacts the seizure occurrence frequency. Methods. Mesoscale (neuronal population level) computational models allowing for the simulation of a single epileptic seizure will be used. They will be extended to account for the recurrence of seizures, as observed in human focal epilepsies. Then, tCS-induced weak electric fields will be integrated into the models and their cumulative effects on seizure occurrence will be studied, explaining why some patients respond to multi-sessions of tDCS while others do not. Models will use the Neural Mass Model (NMM) formalism. They will be developed in Python. They will extend models developed in the lab. Strong background is available. Scientific domains. Engineering (computational, biomedical); Physics (biophysics, electromagnetism); neuroscience; Medicine (neurology); Computer Science (computing in maths, engineering and Medicine) Scientific environment. GALVANI involves three partners: LTSI-Inserm (Rennes), AMU-APHM (Marseille) and Neuroelectrics (Barcelona). It is intended to develop the next generation of brain stimulation solutions. GALVANI can be viewed as a distributed lab (Rennes-Barcelona-Marseille) working under a common policy to ensure coherence of research and intense collaboration and cross-fertilization. Fellows will be co-supervised in a unique, shared environment with exposure to science, technology and clinical experience. Candidate profile. The research project is at the interface between biomathematics (neuro-inspired models), biophysics (electric field models), and neuroscience/neurology (epilepsy). The Post-doc fellow (PhD+experience) will preferably have a strong background in computational neuroscience/systems biology or in electrical engineering with experience in bio-signal processing. Knowledge in electrophysiology and/or EEG analysis would be an asset. The post-doc fellow will join a multidisciplinary team including research scientists in biomedical engineering, neurophysiological modeling, bio-physics, signal processing, electrophysiology, neurology. Contract The position will be opened Sep. 1st, 2024. The contract is for 2 years with possible extension (1 year). The competitive salary will be according to experience (2600 Euros net, minimum). The candidate will also have access to the French system benefits. Location in the city of Rennes, France. LTSI-Inserm laboratory, University of Rennes. In addition, the post-doc fellow will have the opportunity to perform visits and to actively collaborate with engineers, researchers and clinicians of the Marseille & Barcelona groups. Contact (please provide resume, cover letter and 2 reference letters) Fabrice Wendling (DR Inserm, LTSI, France) Email:
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