[CALL FOR PAPERS] IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'19) 14-17 OCTOBER 2019 Thessaloniki, GREECE

IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'19) 14-17 OCTOBER 2019 Thessaloniki, GREECE https://webintelligence2019.com/ Sponsored By: Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IEEE Computer Society In Cooperation With: Chinese Computer Federation (CCF) CALL FOR PAPERS Web has evolved as an omnipresent system which highly impacts science, education, industry and everyday life. Web is now a vast data production and consumption platform at which threads of data evolve from multiple devices, by different human interactions, over worldwide locations under divergent distributed settings. Such a dynamic complex system demands adaptive intelligent solutions, which will advance know-ledge, human interactions and innovation. Web intelligence is now a cutting edge area which must address all open issues towards deepening the understanding of all Web’s entities, phenomena, and developments. The theme for the WI'19 is: "Web Intelligence = AI in the Connected World". The 18th Web Intelligence conference (WI'19) aims to achieve a multi-disciplinary balance between research and technological disruptive advances in the fields of how intelligence is impacting the Web of People, the Web of Data, the Web of Things, the Web of Trust, and the Web of Health. WI'19 welcomes research, application as well as Industry/Demo track paper submissions in these core thematic pillars under wider topics, which demand WI innovative and disruptive solutions for any of the next indicative sub-topics. Track 1: Web of People Social networks analytics Social media and dynamics User and behavioral modeling Human centric computing Opinion mining Recommendation engines Sentiment analysis Crowdsourcing and social data mining People oriented applications and services Track 2: Web of Data Data science and machine learning Big data analytics Data integration and data provenance Cognitive models Computational models Information search and retrieval Algorithms and knowledge management Knowledge bases and semantic networks Linked data management and analytics Data driven services and applications Track 3: Web of Things IoT data analytics Web infrastructures and devices Mobile web Distributed systems and devices Open autonomous systems Industrial multi-domain web Streaming data analysis Smart city applications and services Track 4: Web of Trust Hidden web analytics Blockchain analytics and technologies Web-scale security, integrity, privacy and trust Web cryptography Fake content and fraud detection Web safety and openness Monetization services and applications Track 5: Web of Health Personalized health management and analytics Health data exchange and sharing Big data in medicine Wellbeing and healthcare in the digital era Omics research and trends Healthcare and medical applications and services IMPORTANT DATES The Program Chairs are soliciting contributed technical papers for presentation at the Conference and publication in the Conference Proceedings by ACM. Submissions are encouraged before the next deadlines: Feb 20th, 2019: Workshop Proposals May 12th, 2019: Full Papers; Demo papers; Tutorial proposals June 30th, 2019: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection July 14th, 2019: Final, Camera Ready Papers, Due PAPER SUBMISSION Please follow guidelines: https://wi-lab.com/cyberchair/2019/wi19/scripts/submit.php?subarea=Wr/. Papers must be submitted electronically via Cyberchair in standard ACM format (max 8 pages). Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, coordinated by the International Program Committee. ORGANIZATION General Chairs Georg Gottlob, UK Yannis Manolopoulos, Cyprus Program Chairs Payam Barnaghi, UK Athena Vakali, Greece Steering Committee Chairs Jiming Liu, HK, China Ning Zhong, Japan Track Chairs Panagiotis Bamidis, Greece Marios Dikaiakos, Cyprus Elena Ferrari, Italy Josiane Xavier Parreira, Ireland Herman Purohit, USA Workshop Chairs Dimitrios Katsaros, Greece Rahul Pandey, USA Demo Chairs Amelie Gyrard, USA George Pallis, Cyprus Proceedings Editor Theodoros Tzouramanis, Greece Publicity Chairs Karin Becker, Brasil Leonidas Anthopoulos, Greece Yang Liu, Hong Kong Xujuan Zhou, Australia
participants (1)
Gigg Liu