grants for the Systems Neurosceince summer program

BSCS grants are available for our Systems Neuroscience: a study abroad summer program in Budapest (June 12 - Aug 4 2017, Budapest). See Official transcript of the program is issued by the Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest! For students with European passports we are proud to announce the availability of a limited number of grants provided by BSCS! For successful applicants the tuition fee AND accommodation is a dramatically reduced 1500 euro. Program start/end dates June 12th- Aug 4th, 2017. The BSCS Systems Neuroscience Program takes place at and academically supervised by the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest. **************************************** Applications should be sent to ALL of these addresses by April 21th, 2017. However, they will be reviewed on rolling base! Péter Érdi (SysNeuro Director; BSCS Co-Director), László Négyessy SysNeuro Co-Director <>
participants (1)
Érdi Péter