PhD position in Computational Psychology of Perception at Stockholm University

Dear colleagues, We are looking to hire a doctoral student in computational psychology with focus on olfactory perception and cognition as part of the interdisciplinary collaboration between the Department of Psychology at Stockholm University (SU) and the Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. This joint research effort led by Prof. Jonas Olofsson at SU and Dr. Pawel Herman at KTH offers an opportunity to leverage the potential of computational network models to gain mechanistic insights into perceptual and cognitive phenomena. The project will contribute to the development of the next-generation psychologists capable of flexibly utilising a wide spectrum of experimental and computational techniques to pursue increasingly challenging questions in human perception, research that has tangible clinical implications. As mentioned, the project will focus on the sense of smell as a model system. More information about the positions can be found here: Interested candidates are encouraged to reach out to Jonas Olofsson (jonas.olofsson AT and/or Pawel Herman (paherman AT directly to informally discuss the positions. Best regards Pawel Herman and Jonas Olofsson ------------------------------------ Paweł Herman Associate Professor, PhD, Docent KTH Royal Institute of Technology School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Division of Computational Science and Technology (CST) Lindstedtsvägen 5 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden room 4442 (4th floor, D-building) tel. +46 8 790 6513
participants (1)
Pawel Herman