Postdoc job in New York in computational neuroscience - Fall 2020

The Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience<> (Coen-Cagli lab) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the Department of Systems and Computational Biology and Department of Neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein) in New York City. Our lab studies how biological sensory systems interpret the surrounding environment. We study probabilistic representations of natural images, to understand visual perception and neural activity in visual-cortical populations. We combine theories of probabilistic neural coding, computer vision and machine learning algorithms, psychophysics, and neurophysiology through collaborations. The candidate is expected to perform research related to these topics. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, with an academic record of scientific excellence and independent research, and a keen interest in interdisciplinary approaches to biological and neural systems. Prior experience should include areas such as computational neuroscience, machine learning, computer vision, or statistics. We are particularly interested in applicants with a genuine interest in linking theoretical and computational work to quantitative analysis of neurophysiology data, in the context of a NIH funded project<> on natural image processing in the visual cortex. The project is a collaboration with the laboratory of Adam Kohn<> at Einstein, and the fellow will have the opportunity for substantial interactions with the Kohn lab. Einstein offers a vibrant interdisciplinary environment, with a growing systems and computational contingent. It is located in a quiet neighborhood of New York, only a short subway ride from Manhattan. Information about working at the Einstein, including benefits and housing for postdocs, can be found at: The position starts in fall 2020, and is funded for several years, with an initial one-year appointment and expectation of extension given satisfactory performance. Salary is competitive and will be commensurate with experience. Candidates should send a single pdf file, consisting of a 1-page motivation letter, CV, and publication list to Furthermore, candidates should organize two letters of reference, to be sent to the same e-mail address. The position is open until filled. Albert Einstein College of Medicine is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring minorities, women, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. Ruben Coen Cagli, PhD Department of Systems and Computational Biology, and Dominick Purpura Department of Neuroscience Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Ave. Price 353B Bronx, 10461. NY office: +1.718.678.1150 web:<>
participants (1)
Ruben Coen-Cagli