Final schedule released; fewer than 20 tickets left---Convention on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Rome, May 28-31st 2024)

Dear All, We have just released the *final schedule* for our *Annual Convention on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI*: We are very nearly out of tickets, so if you do want to come and join us, please go ahead and book now! We have a *fantastic line-up of speaker*s, and a *fantastic venue* near the Colosseum. A once-in-a-decade event? *Keynotes* Professor Peter Dayan (Max Planck Institute, Tübingen) Professor Sophie Deneve (ENS, Paris) Professor Wolfgang Maass (TUG) Professor Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL) Professor Anne Collins (UC Berkeley) Professor Kevin Ellis (Cornell) Dr Feryal Behbahani (Google DeepMind) Dr Giovanni Pezzulo (NRC of Italy, Rome) *Speakers* Professor Andrew Adamatzky (UWE) Professor Christine Grienberger (Brandeis) Professor Rafal Bogacz (Oxford) Professor Athena Akrami (UCL) Professor Nicolas Brunel (Duke) Dr Lea Duncker (Stanford) Dr Kris Jensen (UCL) Professor Dagmar Sternad (Northeastern) Professor Bill Thompson (UC Berkeley) Professor Samuel McDougle (Yale) Dr Maria Eckstein (DeepMind) Dr Fred Callaway (NYU / Harvard) Professor Najoung Kim (BU, Google) Dr André Barreto (DeepMind) Dr Sophia Sanborn (USB / UBC) Dr Wilka Carvalho (Harvard) ... and many more spotlight talks! All the best, The Organizing Committee -- Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD President Thinking About Thinking <> Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Brain Science, Harvard University Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT
participants (1)
Battleday, Ruairidh