Postdoc position in computational neuroscience at the Gatsby Unit

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, a world-class centre for theoretical neuroscience and machine learning, invites applications for one or more postdoctoral training fellowships in theoretical neuroscience. We are looking especially for someone with an interest and/or background in synaptic plasticity and learning. Candidates should have a very strong analytical background in physics, mathematics, statistics, or machine learning, with an emphasis on the use of Bayesian methods in neuroscience, a detailed knowledge and understanding of the literature, and a publication record in highly ranked conferences and journals. Candidates must also have a PhD in a relevant subject area by the agreed start date of the position. Training fellowships are funded by the Wellcome Trust, and are part of a continuing program of training postdoctoral researchers. The position is available for an initial period of two years, and may be renewed to a maximum of three years. To apply, go to and click on Research Fellow (Training Fellowship in Theoretical Neuroscience or Machine Learning) Please be sure to attach to your online application a copy of your CV, statement of research interests, and full contact details (including e-mail addresses) of three academic referees. CVs should include education history, details of current or most recent position, and details of previous employment or fellowships. For further details of our research, go to Questions should be directed to Peter Latham,

Neural Coding, Computation and Dynamics (NCCD) September 22 - 25, 2019 Capbreton, France NCCD19 is the fourth in a series of meetings focusing on topics in theoretical and experimental neuroscience. As with previous workshops, our goal is to foster the strong interactions we believe are so important for this field. So the meeting will be small (~70 people). About half the talks will be invited and half contributed, and there will be poster sessions on two of the nights. Time for informal discussion will be emphasized during breaks and at mealtimes - with lunch and dinner at the conference venue included in the cost of registration. Venue: Casino de Capbreton, Capbreton, France. translation to English: Important dates: May 20: abstract submission deadline June 3: early registration deadline Confirmed speakers: Athena Akrami (UCL) Mitya Chklovskii (Flatiron Institute NYU) Marlene Cohen (Pittsburgh) Sandeep Robert Datta (Harvard) David Kleinfeld (UCSD) Peter Latham (UCL) Gilles Laurent (Max Planck Frankfurt) Stephanie Palmer (Chicago) Alex Pouget (Geneva) Daniela Vallentin (Berlin) Organizers: Andrea Hasenstaub (UCSF) Srdjan Ostojic (ENS Paris) Peter Latham (UCL) Previous meetings:

Neural Coding, Computation and Dynamics (NCCD) September 22 - 25, 2019 Capbreton, France Registration now open! Important dates: May 20: abstract submission deadline June 3: early registration deadline NCCD19 is the fourth in a series of meetings focusing on topics in theoretical and experimental neuroscience. As with previous workshops, our goal is to foster the strong interactions we believe are so important for this field. So the meeting will be small (~70 people). About half the talks will be invited and half contributed, and there will be poster sessions on two of the nights. Time for informal discussion will be emphasized during breaks and at mealtimes - with lunch and dinner at the conference venue included in the cost of registration. Venue: Casino de Capbreton, Capbreton, France. translation to English: Important dates: May 20: abstract submission deadline June 3: early registration deadline Confirmed speakers: Athena Akrami (UCL) Mitya Chklovskii (Flatiron Institute NYU) Marlene Cohen (Pittsburgh) Sandeep Robert Datta (Harvard) David Kleinfeld (UCSD) Peter Latham (UCL) Gilles Laurent (Max Planck Frankfurt) Stephanie Palmer (Chicago) Alex Pouget (Geneva) Daniela Vallentin (Berlin) Organizers: Andrea Hasenstaub (UCSF) Srdjan Ostojic (ENS Paris) Peter Latham (UCL) Previous meetings:
participants (1)
Peter Latham