Call for contributions: Grenoble Workshop on Models and Analysis of Eye Movements, June 06-08 2018

Grenoble workshop on models and analysis of eye movements: June 06-08 2018 Eye movements are easy to acquire and highly valuable for the study of cognitive processing. Their analysis presents interesting statistical challenges: scanpaths are complex spatiotemporal signals with relevant information at different spatial and temporal scales, from microsaccades to fixation patterns. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers who develop and use models to understand eye-movement data. We welcome contributions on all aspects of eye movement modelling and analysis, from saliency prediction to latent state models. Possible forms of contribution are: oral presentation, poster or demonstration. Deadline for abstract submission: April 22 2018 Deadline for registration: May 13 2018 Invited speakers: - Antje Nuthmann, University of Kiel - Yulia Sandamirskaya, University of Zurich & ETH - Jean Lorenceau, CNRS, LSP, ENS - Jean-Michel Boucheix, LEAD-CNRS, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté Location: Grenoble is the largest city in the French Alps, with a large and vibrant academic community. It is easy to get to, with two major airports (Lyon & Geneva) in the vicinity and a TGV connection to Paris. More information and registration at:
participants (1)
Simon Barthelmé