Videos online: Workshop on Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD) and Related Neurological Phenomena

*18 VIDEOS online available: * *Workshop on Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD) and Related Neurological Phenomena* Organizers: K. C. Brennan (Neurology,U Utah), Markus A. Dahlem (Physics, Humboldt U, Berlin), Huaxiong Huang (Math. & Statistics, York U), Robert M. Miura (Math. Sci. and Biomedical Eng, NJIT) This workshop brought together a group of researchers from the areas of mathematical modeling and clinicians and experimentalists in neuroscience to address some of the fundamental issues related to neurovascular coupling and cortical spreading depression (CSD) and related neurological phenomenon. 1. Bernice Grafstein: Spreading depression as a holistic process: A historical perspective 2. Cenk Ayata: Spreading depression and the biological heterogeneity of cerebral blood flow response: clues for modeling 3. Huaxiong Huang: Modeling cortical spreading depression and related phenomena 4. Steven Schiff: Unification in the Observation and Control of Spikes, Seizures, and Spreading Depression 5. Jessica Seidel: Cerebral Venous Potassium Efflux During Spreading Depression 6. David Terman: Blocking spreading depolarizations in a neuron/astrocyte network model 7. Jed Hartings: Spreading depolarizations in acute brain injury: mathematical dynamic instability of cerebral cortex? 8. Béla Joós: The Nav coupled left shift model of axon damage: how minor damage can cause major grief 9. Ghanim Ullah: Towards a model-based control of neuronal systems 10. Jorge Manuel Mendez: In vivo cellular dynamics in cortical spreading depression 11. Ernest Barreto: Ion Concentration Dynamics and its Effects on Neuronal Excitability and Bursting 12. Bas-Jan Zandt: Dynamics of single neurons and populations during spreading depolarization 13. Niklas Hübel: Dynamics from seconds to hours in HodgkinHuxley model with time- dependent ion concentrations and buffer reservoirs 14. Markus A. Dahlem: Ghost behavior: Transient localized patterns of CSD in the gyrified human cortex 15. K.C. Brennan: Minimum conditions for the induction of CSD 16. Edward Dudek: Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: electrographic seizures vs background supression 17. David Andrew: Spreading depolarization strength during ischemia determines higher brain susceptibility and lower brain resistance to acute injury 18. Yoichiro Mori: Modeling ionic electrodiffusion and osmosis in spreading depression If you are interested in updates and upcoming events on this topic, please sent an email to -- Dr. Markus A. Dahlem Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin AG NLD Cardiovascular Physics Robert-Koch-Platz 4 10115 Berlin Germany phone: +49 (0)30 2093 99185 email: skype: markus.dahlem web:
participants (1)
Markus A Dahlem