[publication and call for dialog] IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development 10th anniversary !

Dear colleagues, It is my pleasure to announce the release of the latest issue of the IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development, which is now celebrating its 10th anniversary ! This is the biannual newsletter of the computational developmental sciences and developmental robotics community, studying mechanisms of lifelong learning and development in machines and humans. It has progressively become a place of lively and inspiring scientific dialogues spanning an incredible network of topics over the years, with the contributions of many key actors of computational developmental sciences. It is available at: http://www.cse.msu.edu/amdtc/amdnl/AMDNL-V11-N1.pdf Highlights of this issue: === Dialog initiated by Katarina Pastra, with responses from Rick Dale, Katharina Rohlfing et al., Gary Lupyan, Catriona Silvey, Kerstin Fischer and Emmanuel Dupoux. === "How are Grammatical Constructions Linked to Embodied Meaning Representations?" This dialog explores various facets of the interaction between the formation of linguistic and conceptual/sensorimotor structures, and in particular the hypothesis that language as a communication system may have evolved as a byproduct of language as a tool for organising conceptual structures. === New dialog initiated by Katharina Rohlfing, Britta Wrede and Gerhard Sagerer === “Trained on everything" In the years to come, one very important challenge in developmental sciences is education. Taking an integrated and interdisciplinary approach requires to handle with dexterity concepts and methods from diverse scientific fields ranging from psychology, neuroscience, biology, robotics, computer science or mathematics. How can we grow a community of young researchers mastering the latest advances? How can we teach them to establish cross-disciplinary collaboration and impact? These are the questions raised in the new dialogue initiation. Those of you interested in reacting to this dialog initiation are welcome to submit a response (contact pierre-yves.oudeyer@inria.fr) by Septembet 15th, 2014. The length of each response must be between 600 and 800 words (including references). Let me remind you that previous issues of the newsletter are all open-access and available at: http://www.cse.msu.edu/amdtc/amdnl/ I wish you a stimulating reading! Best regards, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Editor of the IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development Research director, Inria Head of Flower project-team Inria and Ensta ParisTech, France http://www.pyoudeyer.com https://flowers.inria.fr http://www.poppy-project.org
participants (1)
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer