Second fully-funded PhD position at the Vision Institute, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Second fully-funded PhD position at the Vision Institute, Sorbonne University, Paris, France Job description Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position to develop data-analytic and computational modeling tools aiming at the early automated detection of biomarkers and risk assessment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other eye diseases. AMD was ranked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a priority eye disease, and it is the main cause of blindness in western countries. Despite the prevalence, rate of growth, and impact of AMD, its diagnosis is made too late: 69% AMD patients ignore their condition and 78% have irreversible loss when first diagnosed. The main objective of this doctoral project is to cross-link cellular changes in the deep retina with visual symptoms of AMD patients. The project will combine state-of-the-art live high-resolution retinal imaging using adaptive optics, electroretinogram recordings, and fine metrics of AMD-related functional visual losses in order to discover potential biomarkers of AMD onset and/or stage evolution. This project relies on a tight collaboration between visual neuroscientists and clinical ophthalmologists and it builds on the existing integration of basic vision science expertise at the Vision Institute and clinical research expertise in the Clinical Investigation Center of the Quinze-Vingt National Hospital. Requirements and eligibility criteria Applicants should have a quantitative background (engineering, computer science, physics, applied mathematics), a keen interest in vision and be open to the possibility of conducting experiments with human patients. The ideal candidate is expected to have a strong expertise in computational models of vision, image analysis and programming (Matlab, C or Python). Previous experience in experimental data analysis and/or machine learning is a plus. Knowledge of French is desired (but not mandatory). Proficiency in oral and written English is required. Successful candidates are expected to work in an interdisciplinary environment with engineers, neuroscientists, and clinicians. Benefits The position corresponds to a full PhD appointment (36 months) with competitive salary and working conditions. It is funded by IHU FOReSight and AVIESAN-UNADEV. Working environment The Vision Institute is one of the top international centers for integrated research on vision and eye diseases. It is located at the heart of Paris, on the campus of the National Hospital Center for Ophthalmology of the Quinze-Vingts. It includes multidisciplinary research laboratories, which share state-of-the-art platforms for human and animal experimentation. It also harbors a Clinical Investigation Center, which fosters translational research. How to apply Applications should be sent to Angelo Arleo ( <>) and Denis Sheynikhovich ( <>). Angelo ARLEO FONTAINE, PhD Director of Research CNRS Head of the Aging in Vision and Action Lab, Director of the Chair Silversight, Institute of Vision, CNRS - INSERM - Sorbonne University, 17, rue Moreau F-75012 Paris, France Phone: +33 (0)1 53 46 26 52 Mobile: +33 (0)6 46 84 09 56 Email: Website:
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