Postdoc position in computational neuroscience at University of Pittsburgh

The Huang group at the University of Pittsburgh has a postdoc position available immediately for computational modeling to understand how recurrent connections with synaptic plasticity shape the time scales in the auditory cortex. This position is part of a collaboration with Prof. Tobias Teichert and Prof. Dean Salisbury from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. This project aims to use a combination of modeling, electrophysiology and EEG recordings to investigate the circuit mechanisms underlying auditory refractoriness, as well as auditory dysfunction in Schizophrenia. In general, our group is interested in how different task and stimulus contexts change neuronal responses and the implications on neural coding. Other ongoing projects in the group include circuit models of interneuron subtypes and attentional modulation on information flow. The position is funded for two years, with an initial one-year appointment, and it can be possibly extended to three years. The project is funded by a Brain Initiative grant. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in a related field, such as computational neuroscience, mathematics, physics or engineering. The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from under-represented groups. Interested applicants should email a CV and a brief research statement to Dr. Chengcheng Huang ( -- Dr. Chengcheng Huang Assistant Professor Department of Neuroscience and Department of Mathematics University of Pittsburgh
participants (1)
Chengcheng Huang