Workshop: Spike Sorting and Reproducibility for Next Generation Electrophysiology

Spike Sorting and Reproducibility for Next Generation Electrophysiology 24. and 25. June 2019 Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh The analysis of extracellular recordings is a computationally and conceptually complex task with multiple sources of error and bias that can affect subsequent data interpretation. The advent of high-density extracellular micro-electrode arrays (MEAs) now allows recording from hundreds to thousands of channels that poses significant challenges. Additionally, current analysis workflows lack standardisation, and few attempts have been made to make perform systematic comparisons between different solutions and approaches. This workshop will bring together electrophysiologists and developers of tools for the analysis of extracellular recordings, with the following goals: - to showcase new approaches to analyse large scale recordings - to discuss approaches for validation and quality control - to discuss how elements of reproducibility and provenance can be added - to typical analysis workflows Invited Speakers: Alessio Buccino, Oslo Espen Hagen, Oslo Felix Franke, ETHZ Samuel Garcia, CNRS James Jun, Flatiron Institute Jeremy Magland, Flatiron Institute André Marques Smith, UCL Olivier Marre, Institut de la vision Hernan G Rey, Leicester (tbc) Evelyne Sernagor, Newcastle Olivier Winter, Champalimaud Pierre Yger, Institut de la vision (more speakers tba) Registration is free (workshop dinner £30), spaces are limited. More info: Organisers: Matthias Hennig, Edinburgh Cole Hurwitz, Edinburgh Jeremy Magland, Flatiron Alessio Buccino, Oslo -- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
participants (1)
Matthias Hennig