Announcement of BrainCriticality 2024 3-day conference Nov 6 - 8, 2024, NIH, USA

Brain Criticality Hybrid Meeting November 6 - 8 2024 (in person/virtual) For registration and details see:<> This hybrid meeting will take place at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA with ~25 speakers over the course of 3 days. Contributions will cover recent developments in the fields of systems neuroscience and collective phenomena in complex systems with focus on the role of criticality and its implications for normal and abnormal brain dynamics. Dietmar Plenz, Ph.D. Senior Investigator Section on Critical Brain Dynamics National Institute of Mental Health USA "Complexity from simple rules"

Please post the following reminder for our upcoming conference which was first announced on your listserv on Oct. 5 (see bottom of this email). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Hybrid Brain Criticality Conference 2024 from Wed, Nov. 6th - Fri, Nov. 8th is just around the corner! This hybrid meeting will take place at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA with ~25 speakers over the course of 3 days. Contributions will cover recent developments in the fields of systems neuroscience and collective phenomena in complex systems with focus on the role of criticality and its implications for normal and abnormal brain dynamics. You can now access the updated conference program, including selected Oral Spotlight presentations, on our website:<>. Zoom Access Link (free): To join the conference virtually via Zoom, please use this link:<> By entering your email, you'll gain direct access to the virtual meeting room when it opens. If you're unable to join immediately, you'll receive an email with a direct access link to use later. This same link will remain valid for the entire conference duration. We look forward to welcoming you soon! The Organizers Dietmar Plenz, Lucilla de Arcangelis, Miguel Angel Muñoz, Mauro Copelli, and Demian Battaglia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you very much, Dietmar Plenz, PhD Principal Investigator Section on Critical Brain Dynamics National Institute of Mental Health USA _____________________________________________ From: Plenz, Dietmar (NIH/NIMH) [E] Sent: Saturday, October 5, 2024 1:20 PM To: Subject: Announcement of BrainCriticality 2024 3-day conference Nov 6 - 8, 2024, NIH, USA Brain Criticality Hybrid Meeting November 6 - 8 2024 (in person/virtual) For registration and details see:<> This hybrid meeting will take place at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA with ~25 speakers over the course of 3 days. Contributions will cover recent developments in the fields of systems neuroscience and collective phenomena in complex systems with focus on the role of criticality and its implications for normal and abnormal brain dynamics. Dietmar Plenz, Ph.D. Senior Investigator Section on Critical Brain Dynamics National Institute of Mental Health USA "Complexity from simple rules"
participants (1)
Plenz, Dietmar (NIH/NIMH) [E]