Postdoctoral position in active touch sensing

Dear Colleagues, we are opening at least one postdoctoral position in active touch sensing within the Neuro-robotics Area of The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy. The recruited postdoctoral fellow(s) may be requested to contribute to the supervision of a growing research team, and will be involved in the development of artificial touch sensory systems, spanning from components level up to robotic system integration and data analysis via neuro-bio-inspired architectures for a wide range of applications, including neuroprosthetics, medical and industrial robotics. Both junior and senior post-docs can apply. Net salary may reach up to 2k€/month, depending on qualification. In our research group we target the engineering of an artificial tactile sense in parallel to the investigation of human touch. We develop and integrate novel transducers. We implement neuromorphic systems, with natural spike-based coding of tactile information. We analyse neural data to unveil the neuronal processes underlying the human sense of touch, and we implement behavioural protocols to characterize the perception of tactile features. The developed biorobotic technologies, complemented with a body of neuroscientific knowledge, converge in key application domains in bionic limb prostheses, safe human-machine co-work, tele-presence for medical robotics and hand-held consumer electronics. The ideal candidate shall have a subset of the following qualifications: - PhD in disciplines such as biorobotics, robotics, computational neuroscience, control and automation, electrical engineering, computer science - Experience in (real-time) programming with C/C++, LabVIEW Real-Time, LabVIEW FPGA - Experience in data-analysis via Matlab - Experience in designing printed circuit boards with software such as Eagle or Orcad - Experience in designing mechanical parts with software such as SolidWorks or PTC Creo - Experience in the development of spike-based neuro-robotic systems, with a particular focus on artificial touch - Track-record in publishing scientific papers in international journals - Track-record in the management of intellectual property issues - Ability to contribute to the preparation of research project proposals - Ability to contribute to didactic activities at graduate or undergraduate level - Ability to work in research teams and to contribute to co-supervision of junior team members - Excellent knowledge of English language Recent publications of our group include: 1. Oddo, C.M.; Raspopovic, S.; Artoni, F.; Mazzoni, A.; Spigler, G.; Petrini, F.; Giambattistelli, F.; Vecchio, F.; Miraglia, F.; Zollo, L.; Di Pino, G.; Camboni, D.; Carrozza, M.C.; Guglielmelli, E.; Rossini, P.M.; Faraguna, U.; Micera, S. Intraneural stimulation elicits discrimination of textural features by artificial fingertip in intact and amputee humans. Elife 2016. 2. Rongala, U.B.; Mazzoni, A.; Oddo, C.M. Neuromorphic Artificial Touch for Categorization of Naturalistic Textures. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2015. 3. Rongala, U.B.; Mazzoni, A.; Camboni, D.; Carrozza, M.C.; Oddo, C.M. Neuromorphic artificial sense of touch: bridging robotics and neuroscience. International Symposium on Robotics Research 2015. 4. Salgarella, A.R.; Giudetti, G.; Ricotti, L.; Camboni, D.; Puleo, G.L.; Ruini, F.; Tonda-Turo, C.; Chiono, V.; Ciardelli, G.; Micera, S.; Menciassi, A.; Oddo, C.M. A bio-hybrid mechanotransduction system based on ciliate cells. Microelectronic Engineering 2015. 5. Klöcker, A.; Oddo, C.M.; Camboni, D.; Penta, M.; Thonnard, J.-L. Physical Factors Influencing Pleasant Touch during Passive Fingertip Stimulation. PloS One 2014. To express interest in this position, please contact: - Dr. Calogero Maria Oddo - - Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA, is a public Italian university for research and advanced undergraduate and graduate education in the fields of Experimental and Social Sciences. In the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings of young universities, released in April 2016, SSSA ranked 10th worldwide among institutions that are aged 50 or younger and 5th worldwide among institutions that are aged 30 or younger. Post-graduate education and research activities at SSSA are structured within six Institutes. The present position is opened at The BioRobotics Institute, directed by Prof. Paolo Dario, which was specifically created to host the research activities of SSSA at the intersection between scientific research and technological innovation in robotics and bioengineering ( The BioRobotics Institute was formally established in 2011 and it gathers the experience of more than 20 years of research carried out by the ARTS and CRIM Labs, that were founded by Prof. Paolo Dario with the mission of addressing research in the field of Biorobotics and Biomechatronics with a strong interdisciplinary approach, integrating different knowledge backgrounds to study theoretical and technological problems related to the development of advanced robotic systems and microtechnologies. Please feel free to forward this call to colleagues or to any candidate that you may consider qualified. Thank you and best regards, Calogero Maria Oddo and Maria Chiara Carrozza -- Calogero M. Oddo PhD BioRobotics MSc, BSc Electronic Engineering Assistant Professor of Bioengineering Head of the Human Machine Nexus Laboratory Neuro-robotics Area The BioRobotics Institute Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34, 56025, Pontedera (PI), Italy Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy Tel: +39 050 88 3067 Mobile: +39 331 6992273 email:
participants (1)
Calogero Oddo