Special Research topic in Frontiers of Neuroscience: “Symmetry as a Guiding Principle in Understanding Neural Information Processing.”

*S**pecial Research topic in Frontiers of Neuroscience. Guest editors: T. Poggio (MIT),F. Anselmi (BCM), A. Patel (BCM), A. Tacchetti (Deep mind)* *Title: *“Symmetry as a Guiding Principle in Understanding Neural Information Processing.” Researchers are invited to submit papers for this special edition. For more information, or to submit a manuscript, please visit URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/15343/symmetry-as-a-guiding-prin... Submission deadline: April 13, 2021 The aim of this Research Topic is to cover promising, recent, and novel research trends regarding on the role of symmetry in shaping the learning/ information processing and neuronal organization in the brain, within a theoretical and computational perspective. Areas to be covered in this Research Topic may include, but are not limited to: - New architectures beyond convolutional networks: biologically plausible sensory representations that are simultaneously selective for object identity and invariant to nuisance variation (including but not limited to group transformations, beyond translations) in mammalian cortex. - Sample complexity and invariant representations: is the brain using symmetries to perform efficient computation? - Variants of common plasticity rules or new class of rules that incorporate sensory data symmetries: how can the brain discover data symmetries and learn to represent sensory input in an invariant way? - Role of time continuity, crucial in the sensory experience, in defining classes of symmetries (implicit unsupervised labelling For questions, please contact Prof. Fabio Anselmi via email: Fabio.Anselmi@bcm.edu
participants (1)
Benedetta Franceschiello