ICMNS 2020 - Digital: The 6th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience, July 6-7

We are delighted to announce the 6th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2020). Owing to the Coronavirus outbreak, the 6th edition will take place in a virtual format via Zoom on July 6–7, 2020, between 14:00–20:00 (GMT+2). More details are given on the conference website, which will be continuously updated: https://www.danieleavitabile.com/icmns2020digital/ ICMNS is an interdisciplinary conference series, bringing together theoretical neuroscientists and mathematicians. The conferences are aimed at scientists interested in using or developing mathematical techniques for neuroscience problems. This year a broad set of topics in mathematical neuroscience will be covered in eight sessions: (a) Cellular and subcellular dynamics (b) Dynamics of structured neural networks (c) Inferring models from data (d) Mean-field methods in neuroscience (e) Neural fields and spatio-temporal dynamics (f) Neural coding (g) Numerical methods (h) Mathematical theory of deep learning In addition, the conference features a virtual poster session and a special ICMNS Poster Prize. We encourage poster submissions by researchers from all areas of mathematical neuroscience and at all career stages. The submission deadline is the 21st of June at 23:59 (GMT+2). Please keep yourself updated on the webpage. We hope to see you online at ICMNS2020! All the best, Daniele Avitabile, Tatiana Engel, Tilo Schwalger, Wilhelm Stannat -- Tilo Schwalger, PhD Assistant Professor Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin Philippstr. 13, Haus 6, 10115 Berlin Room: 202, phone: 0049(0)302093 6788 Technische Universität Berlin Institute of Mathematics Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin Room: 726, phone: +49 (0)30 314-22698
participants (1)
Tilo Schwalger