Michael Arbib autobiography: From Cybernetics to Brain Theory, and More: A Memoir

Dear All: I would like to call your attention to a very very remarkable paper. Michael Arbib, "the" true pioneer of brain theory wrote a very detailed memoir. The paper is a self-reflection to his career from his legendary first book "Brains, Machines & Mathematics" via the Metaphorical Brain to modeling how the brain may support language and much more. Cognitive Systems Research is very lucky to have the chance to publish this extraordinary paper. Elsevier will make it available for a certain period. Enjoy and spread the word! Kind regards, Péter Érdi Editor-in-Chief Cognitive Systems Research aboutranking.com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2018 15:54:57 -0400 From: ScienceDirect Message Center <sciencedirect@notifications.elsevier.com> To: perdi@kzoo.edu Subject: Cognitive Systems Research: Alert 14 April Can't see this email properly? Click here to view an online version ScienceDirect? Home Alert: Cognitive Systems Research New articles available on ScienceDirect New Articles in Press, 14 April
From Cybernetics to Brain Theory, and More: A Memoir Original Research Article Available online 14 April 2018 Michael A. Arbib
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Dear All: Accept my apologies, my message was not clear. Michael Arbib's Memoir is 1. available Now from IP addresses with ScienceDirect subscriptions, as https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1389041718301360/1-s2.0-S1389041718301360-main.pdf?_... , 2. Elsevier will make open the FINAL version for a certain (?) period. I will send a note, when I will know the details. Kind regards, Peter
participants (1)
Érdi Péter