CNS*2020 Melbourne: Abstract DEADLINE EXTENDED

Organization for Computational Neurosciences 2885 Sanford Ave SW #15359 Grandville, MI 49418 USA* Call for Abstracts - Deadline Extension* *29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2020)* Melbourne, Australia July 18--22, 2020 The CNS*2020 abstract submission deadline has been extended to *Wednesday, March 11* at 11:00 pm Pacific Time. Note that one of the authors *must register* as sponsoring author for the main meeting before abstract submission. *Travel awards up to 1,000 USD* are available for student and postdoc members of OCNS to attend the main meeting. Please note that an extended abstract is required when applying for a travel award or oral presentation format. *The Travel Award application deadline *coincides with the abstract submission deadline. For a statement on the Covid-19 outbreak and CNS*2020 registration, please see: <> Abstract Submission for the main meeting: The Call for Workshops remains open: -- Martin Zapotocky, Ph.D. Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences Videnska 1083 14220 Prague 4, Czech Republic Tel: +420-241-062-708 Upozorneni: Neni-li v teto zprave vyslovne uvedeno jinak, ma tato E-mailova zprava nebo jeji prilohy pouze informativni charakter. Tato zprava ani jeji prilohy v zadnem ohledu ustavy AV CR, v.v.i. k nicemu nezavazuji. Text teto zpravy nebo jejich priloh neni navrhem na uzavreni smlouvy, ani prijetim pripadneho navrhu na uzavreni smlouvy, ani jinym pravnim jednanim smerujicim k uzavreni jakekoliv smlouvy a nezaklada predsmluvni odpovednost ustavu AV CR, v.v.i. Disclaimer: If not expressly stated otherwise, this e-mail message (including any attached files) is intended purely for informational purposes and does not represent a binding agreement on the part of Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The text of this message and its attachments cannot be considered as a proposal to conclude a contract, neither the acceptance of a proposal to conclude a contract, nor any other legal act leading to concluding any contract; nor does it create any pre-contractual liability on the part of Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
participants (1)
Martin Zapotocky