[meetings] Living Machines III: Final Call for Papers, Satellite Events and Sponsors

______________________________________________________________ Final Call for Papers, Satellite Events and Sponsors Living Machines III: The 3rd International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 30th July to 1st August 2014 http://csnetwork.eu/livingmachines/conf2014 To be hosted at the Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci (National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci) Milan, Italy In association with the Istituto Italiano di Technologia (IIT) Accepted papers will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Submission deadline March 14th, 2014. Papers should be submitted through the Springer web-portal http://senldogo0039.springer-sbm.com/ocs/conference/submitpaperto/LM2014 ______________________________________________________________ ABOUT LIVING MACHINES 2014 The development of future real-world technologies will depend strongly on our understanding and harnessing of the principles underlying living systems and the flow of communication signals between living and artificial systems. Biomimetics is the development of novel technologies through the distillation of principles from the study of biological systems. The investigation of biomimetic systems can serve two complementary goals. First, a suitably designed and configured biomimetic artefact can be used to test theories about the natural system of interest. Second, biomimetic technologies can provide useful, elegant and efficient solutions to unsolved challenges in science and engineering. Biohybrid systems are formed by combining at least one biological component--an existing living system--and at least one artificial, newly-engineered component. By passing information in one or both directions, such a system forms a new hybrid bio-artificial entity. The following are some examples: * Biomimetic robots and their component technologies (sensors, actuators, processors) that can intelligently interact with their environments. * Active biomimetic materials and structures that self-organize and self-repair. * Biomimetic computers--neuromimetic emulations of the physiological basis for intelligent behaviour. * Biohybrid brain-machine interfaces and neural implants. * Artificial organs and body-parts including sensory organ-chip hybrids and intelligent prostheses. * Organism-level biohybrids such as robot-animal or robot-human systems. ACTIVITIES The main conference will take the form of a three-day single-track oral and poster presentation programme, 30th July to 1st August 2014, hosted at the Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan (http://www.museoscienza.org). The conference programme will include five plenary lectures from leading international researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems, and the demonstrations of state-of-the-art living machine technologies. Agreed speakers are: Sarah Begreiter, University of Maryland (Microfabrication and robotics) Darwin Caldwell, Italian Institute of Technology (Legged locomotion) Andrew Schwartz, University of Minnesota, Pittsburgh (Neural control of prosthetics) Ricard Sole, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Self-organization and synthetic biology) Srini Srinivasan, Queensland Brain Institute (Insect-inspired cognition and vision) There will also be a special session on biomimetics in design, including a talk by Franco Lodato, author of the book 'Bionics in Action.' The full conference will be preceded by up to two days of Satelite Events hosted by the Istituto Italiano di Technologia in Milan. SUBMITTING TO LIVING MACHINES 2014 We invite both full papers and extended abstracts in areas related to the conference themes. All contributions will be refereed and accepted papers will appear in the Living Machines 2014 proceedings published in the Springer-Verlag LNAI Series. Submissions should be made before the advertised deadline via the Springer submission site: http://senldogo0039.springer-sbm.com/ocs/en/home/LM2014 Full papers (up to 12 pages) are invited from researchers at any stage in their career but should present significant findings and advances in biomimetic or biohybid research; more preliminary work would be better suited to extended abstract submission (3 pages). Submitted papers should be prepared using the Springer proceedings format and instructions http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 Full papers will be accepted for either oral presentation (single track) or poster presentation. Extended abstracts will be accepted for poster presentation only. Authors of the best full papers will be invited to submitted extended versions of their paper for publication in a special issue of Bioinspiration and Biomimetics. Satellite events Active researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems are invited to propose topics for 1-day or 2-day tutorials, symposia or workshops on related themes to be held 28-29th July at Italian Institute of Technology in Milan. Events can be scheduled on either the 28th or 29th or across both days. Attendance at satellite events will attract a small fee intended to cover the costs of the meeting. There is a lot of flexibility about the content, organisation, and budgeting for these events. Please contact us if you are interested in organising a satellite event! EXPECTED DEADLINES March 14th, 2014 Paper submission deadline April 29th, 2014 Notification of acceptance May 20th, 2014 Camera ready copy July 29-August 2nd 2014 Conference SPONSORSHIP Living Machines 2014 is sponsored by the Convergent Science Network (CSN) for Biomimetics and Neurotechnology. CSN is an EU FP7 Future Emerging Technologies Co-ordination Activity that also organises many highly successful workshop series: the Barcelona Summer School on Brain, Technology and Cognition, the Capo Caccia Neuromorphic Cognitive Engineering Workshop, the School on Neuro-techniques, the Okinawa School of Computational Neuroscience and the Telluride workshop of Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering (see http://csnetwork.eu/activities for details) The 2014 Living Machines conference will also be hosted and sponsored by the Istituto Italiano di Technologia (http://www.iit.it). Call for Sponsors. Other organisations wishing to sponsor the conference in any way and gain the corresponding benefits by promoting themselves and their products to through conference publications, the conference web-site, and conference publicity are encouraged to contact the conference organisers to discuss the terms of sponsorship and necessary arrangements. We offer a number of attractive and good-value packages to potential sponsors. ABOUT THE VENUE Living Machines 2014 continues our practice of hosting our annual meeting in an inspirational venue related to the conference themes. The scientific and technological genius Leonardo da Vinci drew much of his inspiration from biology and invented many biomimetic artefacts. We are therefore delighted that this year's conference will be hosted at the Da Vinci museum of Science and Technology in Milan, one of the largest technology museums in Europe and host to a collection of working machines that realise many of Da Vinci's ideas. We look forward to seeing you in Milan. Organising Committee: Tony Prescott, University of Sheffield (Co-chair) Paul Verschure, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Co-chair) Armin Duff, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Program Chair) Giorgio Metta, Instituto Italiano di Technologia (Local Organizer) Barbara Mazzolai, Instituto Italiano di Technologia (Local Organiser) Anna Mura, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Communications) Nathan Lepora, University of Bristol (Communications) Program Committee: Anders Lyhne Christensen Andy Adamatzky Andy Phillipides Arianna Menciassi Auke Ijspeert Barry Trimmer Ben Mitchinson Benoit Girard Cecilia Laschi Charles Fox Chrisantha Fernando Christophe Grand Danilo de Rossi Darwin Caldwell Dieter Braun Emre Neftci Enrico Pagello Eris Chinaletto Ferdinando Rodrigues y Baena Frank Grasso Fred Claeyssens Frederic Boyer Frederico Carpi Giacomo Indiveri Gregory Chirikjian Hillel Chiel Holger Krapp Holk Cruse Husosheng Hu Jess Krichmar Jira Okada John Hallam Jon Timmis Jonathan Rossiter Jose Halloy Joseph Ayers Julian Vincent Keisuke Morisima Lucia Beccai Marco Dorigo Mark Cutkosky Martin Pearson Mat Evans Mehdi Khamassi Michele Giogliano Nathan Lepora Noah Cowan Pablo Varona Paul Graham Paul Verschure Reiko Tanaka Robert Allen Roberto Cingolani Roderich Gross Roger Quinn Sean Anderson Serge Kernbach Simon Garnier Stephane Doncieux Stuart Wilson Thomas Schmickl Tim Pearce Tony Pipe Tony Prescott Volker Durr Wolfgang Eberle Yiannis Demiris Yoseph Bar-Cohen
participants (1)
Nathan F Lepora