Reminder: Eresfjord Summer School on Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience

Dear all, This is a reminder for the Eresfjord Summer School 2025 on "Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience"! The application deadline is 31. March 2025. The summer school will take place from 7 July to 25 July 2025 at the Fred Kavli Knowledge Center in beautiful Eresfjord, Norway. We will cover some of the most important methods used in computational neuroscience research through both main lectures and scientific seminars. For more information, visit The confirmed speakers and lecturers are Sara Solla, Northwestern University, USA Predrag Cvitanović, Georgia Tech, USA Carina Curto, Brown University, USA Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, NTNU, Norway Juan Gallego, Imperial College London, UK Inés Samengo, Balseiro Institute, Argentina Valeria Fascianelli, Columbia University, USA Christian Machens, Champalimaud, Portugal Nicolai Waniek, NTNU, Norway Iván Davidovich, NTNU, Norway Federico Stella, Donders Institute, the Netherlands Melvin Vaupel, NTNU, Norway Yoram Burak, ELSC, Israel Best, Nicolai -- on behalf of the organizers
participants (1)
Nicolai Waniek