Up to 6 PhD fellowships in Cognitive Neuroscience at SISSA, Trieste, Italy, to start Oct, 2020

SISSA is an elite postgraduate research institution located in Trieste, Italy, and focused on Maths, Physics and Neuroscience. It operates in English: many among its students and faculty are not Italian. The Cognitive Neuroscience Department hosts 6 research labs that study the neuronal bases of time and magnitude processing, visual perception, motivation and intelligence, language and reading, tactile perception and learning, and neural computation. The Department is very inter–disciplinary; our approaches include behavioural, psychophysics, and neurophysiological experiments with humans and animals, as well as computational and mathematical models. Students with diverse backgrounds (physics, math, medicine, psychology, biology) are most welcome to apply. The Department has an exceptional track record with highly competitive funds (recent funding includes 4 ERC and 3 Human Frontiers grants) and publication in top journals (Nature, Science, PNAS, Current Biology). Recent placements after PhD include Harvard, MIT, Columbia and Princeton in the US; the NTNU, Manchester and Radboud in Europe; and Sydney University, Australia. Our alumni have been awarded 4 ERC grants, the 2015 Kandel Young Neuroscientist Prize and the 2017 ICTP Prize. More information about the Department is available at our website https://phdcns.sissa.it. The selection procedure is now open; to learn how to apply, please visit https://phdcns.sissa.it/admission-procedure. Please contact the PhD Coordinator (davide.crepaldi@sissa.it) and/or your prospective supervisor for more information and informal enquiries. -- Alessandro Treves SISSA, Cognitive Neuroscience, http://people.sissa.it/~ale/limbo.html if in, rm 241, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy: +39-040-3787623

Are you a young researcher in Italy and interested in computer science at Berkeley? Fulbright offers scholarships for a research period at the renowned ICSI – International Computer Science Institute. It is an opportunity for temporary research assistants (Italian or non-Italian) at Italian research centers or universities, who have completed their PhD no later than 3 years prior to the DEADLINE, which is February 3, 2020. Visit the Call by FULBRIGHT http://www.fulbright.it/icsi/ to apply. -- Alessandro Treves SISSA, Cognitive Neuroscience, http://people.sissa.it/~ale/limbo.html if in, rm 241, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy: +39-040-3787623

The National Program in Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience opens up an additional possibility to join SISSA for a PhD this Fall, together with those recently admitted. SISSA is an elite postgraduate research institution in Trieste, Italy, focusing on Maths, Physics and Neuroscience. It operates in English: many among its students and faculty are not Italian. The Cognitive Neuroscience Department https://phdcns.sissa.it/ hosts 7 research labs, led by D Bueti, D Zoccolan, R Rumiati, D Crepaldi, M Diamond, E Piasini and A Treves, which study the neuronal bases of time and magnitude processing, visual perception, motivation and intelligence, language and reading, tactile perception and learning, inference and memory. Those admitted can design their own research projects within or across these labs, with a variety of approaches including behavioural, psychophysics, and neurophysiological experiments with humans and animals, computational and mathematical models. Candidates from diverse backgrounds (eg in the hard or life sciences, linguistics, medicine or psychology) are most welcome to apply, if daring. If interested, please register and apply immediately *** deadline Oct 19 *** to https://vele.unicam.it/CallforApplication/?st=2 (the Univ Camerino website handling all applications) indicating, within Curriculum 1: Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, the position Code 1.7 ---------------------------------------------- Alessandro Treves Liminar Investigations of Memory and Brain Organization Cognitive Neuroscience, SISSA, Trieste, Italy +39 349 2504602 http://people.sissa.it/~ale/limbo.html
participants (1)
Alessandro Treves