Junior Professor in Cognitive Computing - Germany - University Osnabrueck - Institute of Cognitive Science

The Institute of Cognitive Science (University Osnabrueck ) is seeking to appoint an Junior Professor in Cognitive Computing. You can find more details here: https://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/universitaet/stellenangebote/stellenangebote_d etail/50_ikw_assistent_professorship_in_cognitive_computing.html The professorship will be tightly interlinked with the DFG research training group on Computational Cognition which Osnabrück University has applied for, and specifically related to the research fields From Signals to Symbols and Back: Neural Representations and Learning and Symbolic Thought: Processes on Uncertain and Incomplete Representations, and will strengthen the profile in the domain of big data science and machine learning. The work will be inspired by deep neuronal networks and modern machine learning techniques. A transfer to applications is welcome. A strong link to cognitive science is essential. This may include cognitive architectures, multi-agent systems, human machine interactions, and neuro-inspired learning. She/he is particularly expected to collaborate with more than one of the existing work groups that are closely related to the fields of processing visual data, machine learning, knowledge representation, and (neuro-) cognitive aspects of language. Feel free to get in touch with me to get further information. Best Gordon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Professor and Chair of the Neuroinformatics Department Dr. rer. nat. Gordon Pipa Institute of Cognitive Science, Room 50/218 University of Osnabrueck Wachsbleiche 27, 49090 Osnabrück, Germany tel. +49 (0) 541-969-2277 fax (private). +49 (0) 5405- 500 80 98 home office. +49 (0) 5405- 500 90 95 e-mail: gpipa@uos.de webpage: http://www.ni.uos.de https://de.linkedin.com/in/gordon-pipa-47771539 research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gordon_Pipa/?ev=prf_act Personal Assistent and Secretary of the Neuroinformatic lab: Anna Jungeilges Tel. +49 (0)541 969-2390 Fax +49 (0)541 969-2246 Email: anna.jungeilges@uni-osnabrueck.de visit us on http://www.facebook.com/CognitiveScienceOsnabruck https://twitter.com/#!/CogSciUOS
participants (1)
Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa