Registration deadline extension: Open Source Brain 2015: Building and sharing standardised neuronal models

***Deadline for registration extended to 22nd April*** The third annual Open Source Brain Workshop takes place May 12-14th 2015, Alghero, Sardinia. The Open Source Brain initiative aims to encourage collaborative, open source model development in computational neuroscience and is primarily supported by the Wellcome Trust. As with past OSB meetings <> this workshop will bring together experimentalists, theoreticians and tool developers who are interested in creating open, community developed models of neuronal systems. Researchers interested in building and sharing models of any brain region and from any species are welcome to attend the meeting. There will be presentations on the latest developments and functionality of the OSB resource and associated technologies including NeuroML and LEMS. There will also be a special focus session on Wed 13th May on creating and sharing experimentally constrained models of the hippocampus. Confirmed speakers: *Giorgio Ascoli*, Krasnow Institute, George Mason University, USA *Tiago Branco*, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK *Claudia Clopath*, Imperial College London, UK *Michael Hines*, Yale University, USA *Peter Jonas*, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria *Julija Krupic*, O'Keefe Group, University College London, UK *Artur Luczak*, University of Lethbridge, Canada *Troy Margrie*, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK *Michele Migliore*, National Research Council, Italy & Yale University School of Medicine, USA *Yiota Poirazi*, Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas, Greece *Martin Pyka*, University of Bochum, Germany *Stefan Remy*, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn, Germany *Nelson Spruston*, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Virginia, USA Full details of the workshop can be found here: The meeting is free to attend, but registration is required (deadline April 22nd). The OSB 2015 organising committee ----------------------------------------------------- Padraig Gleeson Room 321, Anatomy Building Department of Neuroscience, Physiology& Pharmacology University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT United Kingdom +44 207 679 3214 -----------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Padraig Gleeson