[jobs] Researcher in Cognitive Robotics

Apologies for multiple postings. A fixed-term position is available at Sheffield Hallam University (UK), within Sheffield Robotics. The post is funded by the EPSRC project EP/P030033/1 - Number Understanding Modelling in Behavioural Embodied Robotic Systems (NUMBERS). Details of the post and the link for applying can be found here: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BDR925/researcher-cognitive-robotics/ NUMBERS is a highly inter-disciplinary cutting-edge cognitive robotics research programme lead by Dr Alessandro Di Nuovo and developed in collaboration with Sheffield Robotics. The project sees the participation of Plymouth University and Stanford University (USA), and received the support of the NVIDIA Corporation (USA). It will utilise one of the most advanced child-like robotic platforms (the "iCub") to construct a novel artificial cognitive model of mathematical cognition by imitating human like learning approaches for developing number understanding. The researcher will contribute to the project by carrying out experiments with the iCub, including: Software development. Collecting and analysing data. Guaranteeing continuity of the robotic experiments. The researcher will also be an active member of the Sheffield Robotics team contributing to scientific publications and supporting exhibitions and demonstrations. Experience of working with the iCub robotic platform would be an advantage as well as the knowledge of deep learning software frameworks. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the development of the next generation of socially interactive robots capable of learning and mimicking advanced capabilities of human intelligence. Contact e-mail: a.dinuovo@shu.ac.uk
participants (1)
Di Nuovo, Alessandro