Seeking Grad students --Fall 2018

Seeking Cognitive and/or Computational Neuroscience Graduate Students Accepting applications Fall 2018. Rutgers University. We are seeking graduate students interested in the study of cognitive processes (e.g, memory, attention, language, category learning, Neural Networks) using neuroimaging techniques and computational modeling (Deep Learning). Our lab is focused on understanding the dynamics underlying brain response during rest (resting state) and during the performance of cognitive tasks. Within this overall framework, we have conducted research with both neurotypical and clinical populations (e.g., addiction, ASD, GAD), and have conducted studies focused on memory, language processing, preference decisions, face processing, and event perception. Our lab was jointly involved in the development of MVPA as well as IMaGES and other brain connectivity methods (lab has been continuously funded by NSF, McDonnell Foundation and NIH). Dr. SJ Hanson (Psychology, RUBIC) and Dr. C Hanson (CMBN, RUBIC) directs the lab and participates in both the Psychology graduate program and the Behavioral Neuroscience program. Dr. SJ Hanson is also Director of the Rutgers University Brain Imaging Center (RUBIC RUBIC houses a Siemens 3T Trio MR scanner to collect MR data and a variety of resources are available to complete any MR neuroimaging study. The lab also has a compute cluster with dual P100 GPUs as well as access to larger clusters available on various campuses. The campus is well serviced by train, subway, and bus service and is surrounded by a diversity of shops and restaurants. Manhattan is a twenty minute train ride from the Newark Penn Station and offers world class cultural and entertainment opportunities. For further inquiry or arrange a visit to our lab and RUBIC please send email to
participants (1)
Stephen Jose Hanson