A theory-experiment postdoctoral position is available at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, on a collaborative project between the group of Shihab Shamma & Yves Boubenec and the team of Srdjan Ostojic. We recently investigated (*) the population-level encoding of target stimuli in the primary auditory cortex of behaving animals during discrimination tasks. Following up on this study, we now aim at investigating the neural bases of auditory flexible categorization in behaving ferrets by combining computational modeling, data-analysis and experimental recordings. The successful applicant will be based at the Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives Computationnelles (LNC2), a highly interactive and dynamic environment situated in central Paris (see https://lnc2.dec.ens.fr/fr/teams/network-dynamics-and-computations). The group of Shihab Shamma & Yves Boubenec where the neurophysiological recordings take place is located next door (https://lsp.dec.ens.fr). The ideal candidate should be a computational neuroscientist with strong interest in experimental neuroscience, or the other way round. Starting dates are flexible. The position is for two years. Candidates should send a letter of motivation (2 pages max), the contact information of 2 or more referees and their CVs to boubenec at ens.fr _BEFORE May 23rd, 2018_. (*) Bagur, S. , Averseng, M., Elgueda, D., David, S., Fritz, J., Yin, P., Shamma, S., Boubenec, Y.* & Ostojic, S.* Go/No-Go task engagement enhances population representation of target stimuli in primary auditory cortex. Nature Comm. (in press). doi:10.1101/240556 -- Yves Boubenec, Ph.D. Associate Professor / Maitre de conférences Audition Team, Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs (CNRS UMR 8248) École Normale Supérieure, Department of Cognitive Studies 75005 Paris, France