Hi All, I want to draw your attention to a new investigator award that is open to faculty working anywhere in the world (and of any nationality). The CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar Awards<http://www.cifar.ca/global-scholars/> provide $100K (CAD) in unrestricted funds over a 2 year period. In addition to the research funding, the global scholars are appointed as members of the CIFAR research programs that most closely match their work. For the comp-neuro community, I'm guessing that would be either Learning in Machines and Brains<https://www.cifar.ca/research/learning-in-machine-and-brains/>, or Brain, Mind, and Consciousness<https://www.cifar.ca/research/brain-mind-consciousness/>. The programs have small workshop-style meetings for their ~30-40 members a few times per year. Because of the strength of the CIFAR program members (for example, the LMB group is listed here<https://www.cifar.ca/research/learning-in-machine-and-brains/>), these meetings are an extremely valuable opportunity. If you have any colleagues who might be interested in this opportunity, please forward this information on to them. Cheers, __ Joel Zylberberg, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Physiology and Biophysics University of Colorado School of Medicine www.jzlab.org<http://www.jzlab.org> CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Learning in Machines and Brains program ~the neuroscience is theoretical, but the fun is real