Application deadline: 1st June 2014 The Center for BioRobotics at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense seeks to recruit two new assistant professors. These posts are for 3 years in the first instance. The scientific goal of the Centre for BioRobotics is to tackle questions arising from the acoustic behaviours of animals which cannot be addressed completely by biology or technology alone while also exploring applications of insights from biology in the robotics and technological domain and vice versa. Practically, the intention is to strengthen existing synergy and use it to create new opportunities for seeking external funding. The first position is based in the Maersk Institute (Faculty of Engineering) and is intended for a technically-educated person who has experience in biorobotics, biomimetics or modelling biological systems using engineering tools. Further details of the position can be found via this[1] direct link. A complementary position in the Biology Department at SDU (Faculty of Science) is being advertised, for which information can be found here[2]. This position is intended for a person educated in biology who has experience with technically-based methods for modelling and replicating biological systems. If you need further information beyond that in the linked page, contact John Hallam <> in the first instance. [1] [2]