[Please accept our apologies if you get multiple copies of this message] Dear colleagues, Deadlines are approaching concerning submission to/registration for the Sixth International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making (SBDM), which will take place in Paris on May 25-27th 2016. The full program can be seen here: http://sbdm2016.isir.upmc.fr/view.php/SBDM2016_Program_Titles.pdf If you want to attend SBDM 2016, please fill in the registration form at http://sbdm2016.isir.upmc.fr and then follow the instructions received by email. The deadline for poster submission is: April 30th 2016. The deadline for registration is: May 15th 2016. Registration fees (170 euros) include lunches, coffee breaks and social event. Please circulate widely and encourage your colleagues and team members to attend. Best regards The SBDM organizing committee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGY OF DECISION MAKING (SBDM 2016) May 25-27, 2016, Paris, France Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière, Hôpital La Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris, France. & Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. http://sbdm2016.isir.upmc.fr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRESENTATION: The Sixth International Symposium on Biology of Decision Making will take place on May 25-27, 2016 at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière, Paris, France, with a satellite day at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. The objective of this three day symposium is to gather people from different research fields with different approaches (economics, ethology, psychiatry, neural and computational approaches) to decision-making. The symposium will be a single-track, will last for 3 days and will include 6 sessions: (#1) Cost of control, fatigue and decision-making; (#2) Emotion, stress and decision-making; (#3) Dynamics of decision-making; (#4) Decision-making across primates; (#5) Confidence, mood and decision-making; (#6) Learning, memory and decision-making. CONFIRMED SPEAKERS: Sébastien Bouret (CNRS - ICM, France) Michael Chee (Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore) Anastasia Christakou (University of Reading, UK) Anne Churchland (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA) Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France - INSERM - CEA, France) Adele Diederich (Jacobs University, Germany) Tobias H. Donner (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Valérie Dufour (CNRS, France) Shelly Flagel (University of Michigan, USA) Steve Fleming (University College London, UK) Birte U. Forstmann (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Julie Grèzes (CNRS - Ecole Normale Supérieure, France) Cendri Hutcherson (University of Toronto, Canada) Veronika Job (University of Zurich, Switzerland) Mehdi Khamassi (CNRS - Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France) Pascal Mamassian (Ecole Normale Supérieure - CNRS, France) Florent Meyniel (Collège de France - INSERM - CEA, France) Randall O'Reilly (University of Colorado Boulder, USA) Mathias Pessiglione (INSERM - ICM, France) Jonathan Pillow (Princeton University, USA) Timothy J. Pleskac (Max Planck Institute, Germany) Alexandra G. Rosati (Harvard University, USA) Robb Rutledge (University College London, UK) Jérôme Sallet (University of Oxford, UK) Carmen Sandi (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) Daniela Schiller (Mount Sinaï University, USA) Amitai Shenhav (Princeton University, USA) Mark Sheskin (Yale University, USA) Hiromu Tanimoto (Tohoku University, Japan) Angela J. Yu (University of California San Diego, USA) Alexandre Zenon (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) IMPORTANT DATES: April 30, 2016 Deadline for Poster Submission May 7, 2016 Notification of Poster Acceptance May 15, 2016 Deadline for Registration May 25-27, 2016 Symposium Venue ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Thomas Boraud (CNRS - IMN, Bordeaux, France) Kenji Doya (OIST, Okinawa, Japan) Mehdi Khamassi (CNRS - UPMC, Paris, France) Etienne Koechlin (CNRS - ENS, Paris, France) Mathias Pessiglione (ICM - INSERM, Paris, France) CONTACT INFORMATION : Website, registration, poster submission and detailed program: http://sbdm2016.isir.upmc.fr Contact: sbdm2016 [ at ] isir.upmc.fr / sbdm2016-registration [ at ] isir.upmc.fr -- Mehdi Khamassi, PhD Tenured research scientist (CR1 CNRS) Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics Université Pierre et Marie Curie - BC 173 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France tel: + 33 1 44 27 28 85 fax: +33 1 44 27 51 45 cell: +33 6 50 76 44 92 email: mehdi.khamassi@upmc.fr http://people.isir.upmc.fr/khamassi