We offer two Postdoctoral positions in computational and experimental neuroscience, as part of a a collaboration between Matt Nolan (University of Edinburgh) and Upi Bhalla (National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore). The projects are to examine representations, connectivity and plasticity in the Hippocampal-Entorhinal circuitry. One position is for a computational analysis of representations, sequence formation and plasticity. The other position is more experimental, and will involve patch, tetrode, and 2-photon recordings in mice as they learn representations and associations. Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the CBDR (http://instem.res.in/wadhwani-center/center-for-brain-development-and-repair) website for more information and to contact Upi Bhalla (bhalla@ncbs.res.in) or Matt Nolan(mattnolan@ed.ac.uk) directly for more information. A 2-page CV, 1-page statement of future work and how it fits in with the aims of CBDR and the names of three referees should be sent to the Centre Administrator, Claudia Pisani (cpisani@staffmail.ed.ac.uk). Thank you, Upi Bhalla