Dear fellow researchers, The Etkin Lab at Stanford University is currently seeking to fill a postdoc position for causal brain network analysis. Please find below the job requirement and contact info. Thank you for your attention! Postdoc opportunity at Stanford in Causal Network Analysis – from Concurrent TMS/fMRI to Transdiagnostic Imaging of Psychiatric Disorders The Laboratory of Amit Etkin, MD PhD at Stanford University is currently accepting applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship focused on causal network analyses using fMRI in healthy individuals and patients with a range of psychiatric disorders. The focus of this position is on application of network analysis tools (e.g. graph theory, network-based statistics, etc) to fMRI data, including both causal circuit mapping experiments with concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and fMRI, as well as resting-state data from patients across the mood, anxiety and stress disorders represented, and across the lifespan. The successful applicant will have a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Psychology, Computer Science, Statistics or related fields. Experience with analysis of fMRI data or with causal network analysis tools is required. Additional programming experience is a plus. Duties will also include manuscript preparation, presentation of findings at conferences, management of research assistants and contribution to the preparation of grants. Laboratory and Stanford resources include research-dedicated 3T and 7T MRI scanners, concurrent TMS/fMRI setups and concurrent TMS/EEG setups. Salary commensurate with experience. More information about our ongoing studies can be found at: http://etkinlab.stanford.edu. To apply, please send a curriculum vitae, a statement describing research interests and relevant background and three letters of recommendations, as well as relevant reprints/preprints of research articles to: Amit Etkin, MD, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Stanford University amitetkin@stanford.edu