Postdoc and PhD positions and further opportunities in the Bernstein group “Neural network dynamics and computation” (Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer) There are fully funded positions available at the PhD and at the postdoctoral researcher level in my future group at FIAS Frankfurt, with an envisaged starting date of July 2016. At an earlier career stage, you can write your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis, or do a short-term internship to get to know research in theoretical neuroscience/neurophysics. Depending on the project and the need, financial support is available. Optimal backgrounds of applicants include theoretical neuroscience and/or theoretical physics, computer science, mathematics, quantitative biology. Under the overarching topic “Bridging the scales: Spiking in artificial and biological neural computation”, we aim to develop spiking networks for the solution of artificial intelligence problems and we aim to understand healthy and pathological spike patterns. Your theoretical work in the group may delineate principles underlying effective computations with spiking neurons, investigate the origins of pathological dynamics in the hippocampus, or explore the impact of coupling nonlinearities found in this brain region. Some of the planned projects are directly guided by recent experimental results and aim at explanations that have been requested by experimentally working collaborative partners. Others have a higher level of abstraction and explore rather principal questions. For the different projects, collaborative partnerships have been arranged with experimentally working scientists at Heidelberg University (group of A. Draguhn) and Bonn University (group of H. Beck), and with theoretically working groups at Columbia University (group of L. Abbott), Radboud Unversity (group of H.J. Kappen) and FIAS Frankfurt (group of Jochen Triesch). Of course I am also happy to discuss your own ideas for your future research in the group. If you are interested in more information, see my website (www.memmesheimer.net), contact me via email (rm3354@cumc.columbia.edu), at CoSyne 2016, or, if you are in the neighborhood, drop by at my office at Columbia University. -- Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University, New York, USA Web: www.memmesheimer.net Phone: +1 (646) 774 7329 Email: rm3354@cumc.columbia.edu<mailto:rm3354@cumc.columbia.edu>