Spring School COMPLEX NETWORKS: THEORY, METHODS, AND APPLICATIONS (7th edition) Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy, May 22-26, 2023 ntmg.lakecomoschool.org <http://ml.sicc-it.org/mylist/lt.php?tid=LB8FVgQHVwNeVk4FClcFGwUKVVMaV1UDABRS...> Organized by Fondazione Alessandro Volta Lake Como School of Advanced Studies *** DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: February 26, 2023 (firm deadline) *** Many real systems can be modeled as networks, where the elements of the system are nodes and interactions between elements are edges. An even larger set of systems can be modeled using dynamical processes on networks, which are in turn affected by the dynamics. Networks thus represent the backbone of many complex systems, and their theoretical and computational analysis makes it possible to gain insights into numerous applications. Networks permeate almost every conceivable discipline---including sociology, transportation, economics and finance, biology, and myriad others---and the study of "network science" has thus become a crucial component of modern scientific education. The school "Complex Networks: Theory, Methods, and Applications" offers a succinct education in network science. It is open to all aspiring scholars in any area of science or engineering who wish to study networks of any kind (whether theoretical or applied), and it is especially addressed to doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars. The aim of the school is to deepen into both theoretical developments and applications in targeted fields. LECTURERS --- ELSA ARCAUTE, University College London --- SHWETA BANSAL, Georgetown University --- PETER DODDS, University of Vermont --- NEAVE O'CLERY, University College London --- VIOLA PRIESEMANN, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization --- CLARA STEGEHUIS, Twente University ORGANIZING COMMITTEE STEFANO BATTISTON, University of Zurich --- GINESTRA BIANCONI, Queen Mary University of London --- VITTORIA COLIZZA, INSERM and Sorbonne Université, Paris --- JAMES GLEESON, University of Limerick --- PETTER HOLME, Tokio Institute of Technology --- YAMIR MORENO, University of Zaragoza --- CARLO PICCARDI, Politecnico di Milano --- MASON A. PORTER, UCLA PROGRAM Monday, 22 May, morning - Introduction to complex networks (Dodds) Monday, 22 May, afternoon - Network motifs (Stegehuis) Tuesday, 23 May, morning - Ousiometrics and Telegnomics: Distant and computational measurement of essential meaning, history, and stories (Dodds) Tuesday, 23 May, afternoon - no lectures Wednesday, 24 May, morning - Spreading dynamics I (Bansal) Wednesday, 24 May, afternoon - Spreading dynamics II (Priesemann) Thursday, 25 May, morning - short talks by students Thursday, 25 May, afternoon - no lectures Friday, 26 May, morning - Inter-industry labour flow networks (O’Clery) Friday, 26 May, afternoon - Urban complex systems (Arcaute) For information and application: ntmg.lakecomoschool.org <http://ml.sicc-it.org/mylist/lt.php?tid=LB8FVgQHVwNeVk4FClcFGwUKVVMaV1UDABRS...> Sponsored by SICC - Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity -- This message was sent to viola.priesemann@ds.mpg.de by info@ml.sicc-it.org. To forward this message, please do not use the forward button of your email application, because this message was made specifically for you only. Instead use the forward page <http://ml.sicc-it.org/mylist/lt.php?tid=LB9VBgAFVQRVWE5cUFIHGwVbXgcaDAMIUBQP...> in our newsletter system. To change your details and to choose which lists to be subscribed to, visit your personal preferences page <http://ml.sicc-it.org/mylist/lt.php?tid=LB8GV1VaUFRXVE5VCgRWGwULX1QaVAMBUxRX...>. Or you can opt-out completely <http://ml.sicc-it.org/mylist/lt.php?tid=LB8GAwRUVFIFVU4GAFACGwUAUFEaVwZWCRQB...> from all future mailings. powered by phpList 3.6.10, © phpList ltd <http://ml.sicc-it.org/mylist/lt.php?tid=LB9XUARUV1NVBU5UC1YLGwUBUQMaDAhTVxQB...>