Deadline extended for Senior Research Associate (post-doc) working on EPSRC New Horizons project entitled "Exploring the multiple loci of learning and computation in simple artificial neural networks". The project assesses the adaptive value of learning outside of synapses in spiking networks. Position based in Bristol working with Jeffrey Bowers (https://jeffbowers.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/publications/psycho-neuro/) and Benjamin Evans (https://profiles.sussex.ac.uk/p555479-benjamin-evans). Daniel Goodman (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/d.goodman) will also be collaborating on the project. Based at University of Bristol, UK. Deadline for applying Feb 17th. For more details see: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CWV563/senior-research-associate Jeffrey Bowers School of Experimental Psychology University of Bristol Personal website: https://jeffbowers.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/ ERC lab website: https://mindandmachine.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/