**** *Dear all,* * **The**registration is open for DeepMath 2022 : ** https://www.eventbrite.com/e/deepmath-2022-registration-393832562797 We**have an amazing line up of invited**speakers: * Francis Bach**(INRIA) * Anima Anandkumar (CalTech) * Sara Solla**(Northwestern) * Berk Ustun**(UCSD) * Yisong Yue**(Caltech) * Courtney**Paquette (McGill) * Daniel Soudry ( Technion ) In**addition, we have a poster session and ample**opportunities for researchers across disciplines to discuss state of the art**research on the theoretical understanding of deep neural networks. So save your**spot . == Location == DeepMath 2022 will be held in**San Diego, CA, USA.. Stay tuned to the DeepMath website (www.deepmath-conference.com <http://www.deepmath-conference.com/>) for more details on venue and hotels ** ** The**talks will be freely live-streamed over YouTube and subsequently posted on the**DeepMath YouTube**channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCamugMiftSeZo4EjdtePPyw/playlists Please get in touch in case you have**any outstanding questions. All the best, Ahmed El Hady On behalf of the DeepMath 2022**Organizational Committee ***