*AMAM 2021 Call for Abstracts* The International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM, http://adaptivemotion.org/ <http://adaptivemotion.org/>) is dedicated to stimulate fruitful interactions among biologists and engineers interested in adaptive motion. It aims at bringing together researchers in robotics, biomechanics, neuroscience, sports science, and other fields related to behavior in biological and artificial systems. This year AMAM is holding a virtual, asynchronous conference to highlight work done by early career researchers. The meeting will consist of an online poster session with access to asynchronous chats, a pre-recorded audio or video poster presentation, and synchronous virtual meeting times scheduled by each participant to encourage live conversation and connection across time zones. In addition there will be the traditional hardware demonstration (the Robot Zoo) in a non-traditional promotional video format. The meeting will be held June 22^nd – 25^th . Abstract deadline will be April 1^st 2021. More information can be found at https://amam2021.squarespace.com/ <https://amam2021.squarespace.com/> and will be updated regularly. Please use the contact tab on the webpage if you have any questions at all.