Drs. Bard Ermentrout and Nathan Urban of the University of Pittsburgh, (Departments of Mathematics and Neurobiology) and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition invite applications for three postdoctoral positions for a NSF-funded BRAIN initiative project focused on the experimental and computational analysis of odor-driven navigation. (See NSF press release: http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=136333&org=NSF&from=news and http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1555862&HistoricalAwards=fal... ) This three year project involves investigators at six institutions and is focused on analysis of how olfactory cues are used to guide navigation behavior in a number of species. Both behavioral strategies and brain mechanisms will be evaluated. The Pittsburgh group will combine experimental and computational approaches and will integrate detailed measurement and analysis of mouse behavior with simultaneous measurements of neural activity. We seek candidates with expertise in: Neurophysiology especially in vivo recording Automated behavioral analysis Computational models of brain networks The successful candidate will have a PhD or equivalent degree in neuroscience, applied math, engineering, computer science or a related discipline. Successful candidates will have a track record of publications and experience in experimental and/or computational neuroscience. Postdocs will be expected to participate in ongoing collaborations with other groups in Pittsburgh and in other locations, especially the other members of this project team. Postdocs in the lab will have the opportunity to present their work at national and international meetings and to take advantage of many opportunities for professional development.. Applicants can contact Dr. Urban via e-mail at nurban@pitt.edu and/ or Dr Ermentrout at bard@pitt.edu and should apply via: *https://goo.gl/HkhtY5 <https://goo.gl/HkhtY5>.Nathan Urban, Ph.D.Vice Provost for Special Projects829 Cathedral of LearningProfessor and Associate Chair - Department of Neurobiologyhttp://www.neurobio.pitt.edu/ <http://www.neurobio.pitt.edu/>Co-Director Center for the Neural basis of Cognitionwww.cnbc.cmu.edu <http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/>Associate Director Pittsburgh Brain Institutehttp://www.braininstitute.pitt.edu/ <http://www.braininstitute.pitt.edu/>E1440 BSTWR200 Lothrop StreetUniversity of PittsburghPittsburgh, PA 15213Phone: 412-648-3396nurban@pitt.edu <nurban@pitt.edu> *