Apologies for cross posting Two postdoctoral positions in cellular electrophysiology and neurobiology at SISSA, Italy Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately at the Neuroscience Area of SISSA - the International School for Advanced Studies, in the lab of Neuronal Dynamics head by Dr. Michele GIUGLIANO. Both positions are covered for up to 38 months each, on an EC-Horizon 2020 funded project called "Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment (IN-FET)". (www.in-fet.eu <http://www.in-fet.eu/>) This project combines neurobiology, nanotechnologies, electrochemistry, and electronics together towards a novel breakthrough technology in brain modulation. At SISSA, we aim at experimentally validating novel routes for cellular and microcircuit stimulation or suppression, in collaboration with a consortium of partners which includes IBM Research Zurich, the University of Geneva, the University of Sheffield, and the Inter-university consortium for Nanoelectronics. We thus search for experts in in vitro electrophysiology (substrate-integrated microelectrode arrays) and patch-clamp recordings (dissociated cell cultures, acute and organotypic brain tissue slices) with a strong background in quantitative data analysis and an interest for interdisciplinary research. The deadline for the application is 28/05/2020 and the link to apply is: https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/ar-fe-neur-29-2020/ <https://pica.cineca.it/sissa/ar-fe-neur-29-2020/> More information at: https://www.sissa.it/bandi/selezione-pubblica-titoli-colloquio-conferimento-... <https://www.sissa.it/bandi/selezione-pubblica-titoli-colloquio-conferimento-...> For scientific inquiries, email to michele.giugliano_AT_sissa.it For administrative inquiries, email to assegniricerca_AT_sissa.it