SPECIAL ISSUE ON RETINAL MECHANISMS UNDERLYING MOTION PERCEPTION IN VERTEBRATES JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE This call for papers is dedicated to the work of Vaxim Maximov on the general theme of retinal direction selectivity in vertebrates. All papers are welcome that describes neurophysiology and neural modelling of retinal circuitries underlying motion perception. Some suggestions: 1. Can asymmetry be justified based on anatomical studies showing less inhibitory synapses between SAC and DSGC in the null direction? 2. Is endoplasmic reticulum as a source of calcium heterogeneity underlying DS in SAC? 3. Is calcium bias to somatofugal motion due to intrinsic properties of SAC or is calcium bias in centrifugal motion caused by presynaptic delay in glutamate receptor activation induced calcium? 4. Are SACs are connected asymmetrically to DSGCs: those pointing in the null direction deliver inhibition; those pointing in the preferred direction do not? 5. Is intracellular calcium signal and not the membrane potential (voltage) directionally selective? 6. Direction-selective circuitry in the fish visual system – properties of direction selective units in retina and tectum opticum. 7. Properties of direction selective units in accessory optic systems of lower vertebrates. 8. Modeling of receptive fields of retinal detectors underlying motion perception in fish. Some of the contributing papers for the special issue include: 1. Amane Koizumi, Satoru Moritoh and Roman R. Poznanski (2015) Can heterogeneity of intracellular calcium dynamics underlie directional selectivity in starburst amacrine cells? 2. Ehud Pinsky, Opher Donchin and Ronen Segev (2015) Pharmacological study of direction selectivity in the archer fish retina. 3. Ilija Damjanović (2015) Direction-selective units in goldfish retina and tectum opticum – review and new aspects. 4. Elena M. Maximova, Pavel V. Maximov, Ilija Damjanović, Alexey T. Aliper and Vadim V. Maximov (2015) Color properties of the motion detectors projecting to the goldfish tectum: III. Color-opponent interactions in the receptive field. 5. Vladimir A. Bastakov, Elena Kiseleva, Oleg Yu. Orlov (2015) Direction-selective units in the frog’s nucleus of basal optic root. SUBMISSION 30 September 2015 Contact: Dr. Illija Damjanović, damjanov@iitp.ru<mailto:damjanov@iitp.ru> ------- Roman R. Poznanski Professor Laboratory of Biological Modeling The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10065-6399 Office: (212) 327-7646 E-mail: rpoznanski@rockefeller.edu http://romanpoznanski.blogspot.com and Chief-Editor, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience http://www.worldscinet.com/jin/mkt/editorial.shtml